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SAVE THE TREES and eat beavers!

The top 10 most F**ked up things we are and with nothing to do (that is why ur here) i shall entertain you. SO, uh were to begin? ah, I SAW INCUBUS AGAIN! they were stellar. Plus i saw steve-o (from Jackass) and he was uh grosse. he stapled a shirt to his butt and put lemon juice in his EYES!! Sweet Jesus!! what a jackass. i also saw roony, queens of the stone age and the donnas, not a big fan of the donnas music but im a big fan of them...hint hint wink wink nudge nudge say no more. Eh? Eh? uh sorry. The my friend matt came down from michigan, and i had fun. then i went to hilton head!! it kicked as much ass! then i came back and here i am! I dont really have to much to say only that have a good school year, stayin touch, listen to incubus 24/7, stay away from the brown acid, be a lover and not a hater, separate your white clothes from your color clothing, learn to love your fish but dont smell like him, teach a dog a trick, fart in front of everyone because if u cant fart in front of the ones u love then who can u fart in front of, dont hate, dont annoy the beavers (they work hard), dont be a punk-be a rocker, teach those damn squrriles to stay outa the road, never never never never never go into wal mart EVER! keep ur shoes clean, respect ur elders that give u restpect, own a cowboy hat, dont laugh at old people unless the do something to deserve it, share-no wait only if they are worthy of what u have, bowdown to the almighty nub and respect its wishes-but dont let it touch u in unwanted places, run infront of cars, chase ducks, and finally stay away from Madame Hocke! the song is a good one and it had something to say that is why i like it. its from Fiction Plane and it is good it called Hate. It says alot about the world on a social level. Were cool were different and we hate things, yeah we hate things we hate people! take a stand and we will chop u down. Be ur self and we'll call u a lier, be somebody else and we'll set u on fir, keep urself to ur self and we dun care if ur dien! Dont tell me to look at my self i know that i dont exist. i am perfect and i dont exist in the is stupid human race. were cool were different and we hate things yeah we hate things we hate people! B4 u tell me what u thinks im my mind, theres somthing there that ive been trying to find. About the day that i woke up to decide the world id ugly and i wnat to be blind. yeah were cool were different and we hate things yeah we hate things we hate people! If u take a min to think what s right ull be up untill then end of the night. uforget that peoples problems are there turn on the t.v. sit there and stare. Just whats worng with us is hard to explain. U know its easer to kill then create. building happyness there seemes is no time, we spend our days here thinking love is a crime YEAHH.were cool were different and we hate things yeah we hate things we hate people!were cool were different and we hate things yeah we hate things we hate people!

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