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Billowing Black Robes

Billowing Black Robes

Welcome to the non-frames version of our site! I have gotten several replies from people wanting to help with html, so that this non-frames version will be as easy to view as the frames version. Hopefully, I will be able to fix it up soon! Still, if anyone wants to try to help, please e-mail me! Specifically, I need to know which frame tags a no-frames browser will ignore, and which frame tags will confuse it. My HTML 4 For Dummies book doesn't mention that. In the mean time, your feedback is especially important. If anything on this site doesn't work for you, please, please let us know! E-mail, sign the guestbook below, or fill out this form. Your feedback is wanted and appreciated!! For now, to navigate you'll have to use your browser's back button to come back to the homepage and use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page. Hopefully, we will be able to improve this system soon.

If you have fanart or Snape theories you want to see here, please send them! There are specific instructions on the relevant pages.

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June 4th: WM Zardi- Added chapter 22 to my fic "You'll Never Be Alone," found at the fanfiction section. Miss Kelly added some Ask Snape.

April 26th: WM Zardi- Added a link to the Links section.

More Ask Snape.

April 24th: WM Zardi- More Ask Snape.

April 17th: WM Zardi- Updated Ask Snape.

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