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Severus had a loooooong hard day. He plopped on his bed and turned on the TV. Sesame Street was on. He was to tired to switch the channel, so he just watched it.

Kermit: Hello. Kermit the frog here. I would like to tell you what today's letter is, but I am really ffff*beep*ed up. Hey Big Bird, do you know today's letter is?

Big Bird: Sure Kermit. Today's letter is....joint.

Kermit: Ummm..Big Bird, Joint is not a letter. It is a word.

Big Bird: Sorry kids. Today's letter is three!

Kermit: Big Bird, three is a number.

Big Bird: Exactly. Three is the number of how many joints I smoked today. Are you with me?

Kermit: God, I'm stoned.

Big Bird: Me two! *Giggles*

Elmo: Guys! Guys! Show go on! Come on!

Kermit: Let's do our ABC's, Big Bird.

Big Bird: OK! A, B, C....ummmm, R, Q

Kermit: A, B, C, D, ummm, K, S,

Big Bird: I forgot what we were doing, Kremit!

Kermit: Did you just call me Kremit?

Big Bird: Yes, I did.

Kermit: *giggles* Heeheehee. Kremit the Frog, here. *Laughs*

Big Bird: Heeheehee.

Kermit: OK kids. Today's show is sponsored by the letter..

Big Bird: Bong!

Kermit: And the number,

Big Bird: God, you're messed up!

Kermit: *beep* you!

*credits roll up*

"What's a joint?" Severus asked himself.

ROFLMAO! Sorry folks! I had to write that! Please review.