Severus Snape looked back at his house, which used to be full of laughter, love and everlasting life. Now rank with the stench of desolation, saddness and worst of all death. He pulled his cloak around his shivering body and tried to remember the beautiful times he had with Celeste and Robin.

"Daddy! Daddy! I swam a whole lap!" Robin, his only daughter said as she ran through the door and into her father's arms.

"Did you now?" Severus said while picking up his gorgeous child. Celeste then walked in, with her leather hand bag over her shoulder. Snape would look at his wife and he set Robin down. "Darling?" he whispered to Robin. "Do you want to go upstairs and fetch that drawing of the Hippogriff to show Mummy?" Robin got a large grin on her apple cheeked face and went to go get the drawing, leaving Celeste and Severus alone. They both walked towards each other and kissed as they heard small patters off footsteps up stairs.

"Our daughter is turning into a little minnow," Celeste smiled. Severus pulled her more close to him and they engaged in another blissful kiss.

"What are you smirking about?" Snape woke from his memory. Back in the harsh cold.

"Nothing," Severus replied. Nothing, indeed! The Dark Lord took every thing that Snape ever loved away.

"Minions!" Voldemort called to his followers. "Meet our new brother!" Snape didn't do anything except lower his head at the thought of becoming the lowest of the low. But every one cheered and most raised their glasses full of heavy alcohol. One of the masked men stepped forward.

"Severus Snape, I never thought you would join us," a deep, masculine voice said to him. Snape did not reply. What was the point? He wasn't hounered or flattered by any means. "Maybe you didn't hear me....."

"I heard you, Lucius," Severus muttered. Yes, he did reconize that cold voice of his enemy, now friend. Malfoy took off his mask to reveal a nausiating sneer.

"Well, why did you join us then?"

"How is that your affair?" Snape said firmly. Lucius would not have walked away like other people would have.

"Well, we are family now. You better get used to it, Severus." Snape's eye's narrowed in malice.

"What? Am I the brother of a pig?" That struck a nerve. Lucius whipped out his wand.

"Better be careful, Severus. Or you'll meet an untimely demise!" Lucius had anger blazing in his steel eyes. "Watch your back," Snape knew it wasn't a good thing to recieve a threat from Lucius Malfoy. But still, he knew many more curses than Lucius.

"Severus! Long time no see!" a pale faced man called to him. Snape didn't reconize him. "Don't you remember your best buddy Rosier?"he said with opened arms. Severus' eyes widened in surprise. He never knew that Rosier was now a Death Eater. Plus he had changed. He had become thin and much more pale than their school boy years. "How have you been?" Rosier clapped a hand on his shoulder. Snape just glared icily at his former best friend.

"How could you sink so low?" Severus whispered. It didn't take Snape long to realize that Rosier had punched him. Snape held onto his cheek and moved around his jaw. No damage, just pain, above and below the skin. The pain of betrayal. Rosier just stood there, shaking in fury.

"You're the one to speak, old friend. I notice you wear the mask of the Death Eater,"

"There's a reason for that. What's yours?" Severus said, still holding his chin. Rosier's eyes narrowed misgiveously and a smirk began dancing upon his lips.

"I was foolish, Severus. Wondering which was better. Evil or good. The Dark Lord taught me there is only power and weakness. I chose power,"

"You've just proven you're foolish to this day. If you chose weakness, you would still have friends,"

"Well, Severus Snape. You throw insults at yourself. You are a follower now, as well,"

"I'll never be a Death Eater!" Severus shouted making surrounding people stare at him. The Dark Lord must have heard this as well.

"You will be soon," Snape heard the shrill voice in his ear. "Death Eaters! Gather around! Time for Severus to join our family!" A stoat man came forward and gave Voldemort his wand. "Hold out your left arm,"

"NEVER!" Snape shouted then spat at You-Know-You. Voldemort was not to pleased with this behavior.

"Crucio!" a piercing pain filled Snape's chest. It felt as though millions of dull, rusty blades were slicing his torso. His head was pounding so hard, he couldn't even hear himself scream. "Imperio! Now, hold out your left arm,"

'Fight it, Severus!' a voice came from Snape's head.

'Come on, just do it. Hold out your arm,' the other voice said. Snape slowly and trembling held out his left arm and felt some one roll up the sleeve of his cloak.

"Now, this is going to hurt a bit. Sorry, I mean alot!" Severus then felt the wand on his fore arm. It was worse than the Cructacious Curse. But it was over much sooner. He looked down to find a ugly tattoo there. It was a skull with a neon green snake protruding the mouth and one of the eye holes. Snape never felt so terrible. He just wanted to die there and then.

"Now, drink," The Dark Lord held a large goblet out to him. Severus took it and took a large swig. He spat out half of it. Salty. He looked down at his hand. It was stained, of thick, red, rich-

"Blood!" Severus shrieked. He terribley wanted to throw up the substance he just drank, but he couldn't. He was now one of the Dark Lord's followers, minions......A Death Eater. The End