Severus Snape walked and traveled many miles and places with The Death Eater Legion. From Sydney Australia to even Vancouver Canada. He loathed being with these people, but he only stayed for the sake of his deceased wife and child. Many months later made him look much more pale, unwashed oily hair made a curtain around his sunken eyes. The one thing left that had life in them, his eyes. But now they were changing from kind to fathomless. Snape became less forgiving, more strict and his warm voice turned to ice.

"Severus? Are you coming?" Lucius Malfoy called from the beginning of the group. Severus was tailing behind the herd of men. He was lost like a ignored starving child in a full street of millionaires, begging for bread. Snape looked up for a reply, but said nothing. When they came into a muggle town, Snape's heart shattered as the followers laughed cold heartely while cursing every muggle in sight. He held onto his wand tightly, but did not cast. A girl grabbed onto his cloak as he past. He looked at her, she looked exactly like his daughter. But before he could help the child, Lucius Malfoy cast the killing curse upon her. Face buried behind an icy mask, Severus walked on. They all came to a ghostly cemetary. Large, gnarled, black steel was all around them, as though God's hands were trying to block them in. The Dark Lord was already there, his handsome, young face hidden behind a mask as well.

"Minions, tonight we shall shower terror upon the magical world and rise. Rise like bats from the fiery pits of hell. That's what we are follows. We are caged and shunned amoung other wizards. We shall now look down upon them, the weak and pitiful mudbloods." Everyone cheered except for Severus and a Death Eater beside him. Snape looked into the eye holes of the mask. Sapphire eyes gazed back at him.

"Severus Snape," a silky voice spoke. "You don't have to be this way. You are much more than this." Snape looked at the person as though they were a long lost friend.

"I know," he whispered. "But I have to..." Blue flame engulfed The Dark Lord, yet he was not burned.

"We shall kill every child of all wizarding families! We'll prove to them we have the heart's of a Hellion! Now, Go and do your master proud!" Many cheered again and began disapparating. But before Snape and the wise Daeth Eater left, he handing Severus a white rose. Fully bloomed and beautiful, just like how Severus used to be. He turned around and began to leave the court yard, but when he turned his head to look back at his savour, he had disappeared and a white rose was in it's place.

The next day Severus woke to the smell of blood and death all around him. Lucius was shaking Snape.

"What is it, Malfoy?" Snape snapped. Lucius was looking rather shifty and cowerdly as he handed Severus The Daily Prophet. 'The Boy Who Lived' read the heading in bold letters. Snape gave Lucius a curious look and Lucius waved his hand, motioning him to read on.

'Last night was a night of death and despair as You-Know-Who's followers went on a killing spree. Fortunatly, no one was killed except two courageous people. Lily and James Potter who have both recieved Order of Merlin First Class. The most amazing thing was that their one year old son Harry survived The Killing Curse The Dark Lord cast upon him. Young Harry was only left with a scar while You-Know-Who's spell backfired onto himself. No one is sure if The Dark Lord is living, or deceased. We'll keep you readers notified.'

Snape let the paper fall out of his hands while staring at Lucius open mouthed. A family he truly respected was now gone along with his own. But before he could even let one word pass his thin lips, strong hands siezed his shoulders.

"What the...," he began but a man interupted him and rolled up the sleeve on his left arm.

"Yup, these two are Death Eaters."

"Get your hands off of me!" Lucius shouted. Another man stepped forward.

"Alastor Moody..." Snape spoke in a shocked voice.

"Got that right, Snape. I never knew you would sink to this. I thought you were a good fella," Moody replied. Moody pointed his wand at the two men and they fell unconcious.