Now, since Severus couldn't go back to his manor, he went to Rosier's place. It was obviously the most dirtiest, smelliest place Snape had every been in. The home of a bachalor. Tequila and vodka bottles were strewn over the floor. It took him a few days to get used to the stench and Rosier stumbling around, bombed out of his mind.

The next meeting was the beginning of the month October. Rosier and Severus both brought the liquor from their stink hole. The whole meeting was pandamonium! Every one was either drunk or high on some kind of drug. Severus had the gross taste of vomit in his mouth as he kept chugging his mead.

"Severus!" Rosier called to him. "Come see what our Lord has brought us!" Snape stumbled over where the crowd was. Lucius and Wormtail both had two teenagers in their grasps. Both of them seemed to be dressed like punks or goths. Lucius kissed the red head, making her black lipstick smear. She began sobbing, not knowing what was going on.

"Bonjour, young ladies," Voldemort hissed at them. The other girl, with spiked black hair and a dog collar was cowering in fear as Rosier advanced on her. "My treat, followers."

Severus knew right away that they were muggles. They were probably even more scared than a regular wizard coming face to face with the lord of darkness. Many of the Death Eaters took the red head. But The Dark Lord kept the other girl at his side.

"Severus, I think you'll enjoy this one," he shoved her at him. Snape reacted quickly and held her in his strong hands. Mascaraed tears were leaking down her cheeks. Severus noticed the scared look in her hazel eyes. Even though she looked like she could beat up anyone, she sure didn't look it now.

"What's your name?" Snape asked her. She was quite taken a back but replied.

"Erin," she told him. Severus noticed the large blood stain on Erin's baggy blue jeans. Snape quickly then strode over to where Voldemort was laughing and watching the red head getting raped.

"What is wrong with you? These are muggle children! They have no idea what's going on!" Severus nearly shouted. Voldemort set down his tequila and glared at Snape with crimson eyes.

"It's fun that way," he smiled. Snape felt a hot surge of anger rack his body. The Dark Lord pulled out his wand lazily and pointed it at Erin. "You know to much," he said to her. And with a flash of neon green light, Erin was dead in Snape's arms. Even though the only thing her knew about Erin was her name, he couldn't stop the tears that made their way. "You're to soft, Severus," he whispered to his follower.

BANG! They both jumped as a wand fired a spell. "MORSEMORDRE!" they heard. Some one had fired off the Dark Mark. It was Rosier who had done it in his intoxication.

Voldemort laughed. It was time to go before the Ministry began apparating in. And with quick popping sounds, every one was gone.