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A little about me....

  • Bandrui Sight Bandrui Sight I am a servant of the Dragons, and their servant I shall always be. A keeper of the Star Thoughts, the Eternal One's decree. That as I walk the human race, the Dragons Tale be told, To Dance among the silver stars, Bandrui Sight I hold. To walk the spokes of the Cosmic Web, bringing their knowledge to Light, The darkness of the Common Mind, moonlit in the night. ?Where am I going now?? The children ask of me. To a time of Internal Light, a place where you may See! To know the darkness holding you, frozen in its hand, Has no strength to hold you, beyond the flaming brand Of your own Eternal Spirit, shining bright within. You are your only master, and it comes when you begin To see yourself as that shining Light, no one's Paige or pauper Only you hold the Golden Key, to know for you what's proper So again I say to all of you, look you to the stars Watching ever the Dragons Dance, and forget about your wars Peace will come to rule the land, no matter what you do. The Dragons once more walk the Earth, we have a thing to prove; That hatred doesn't reign supreme. A balanced life will bring The Children of the Dragons Might. They'll bring the dove to wing. We warriors with the Mother's Sight, are teaching Peace begins Well within every heart, each Spirit and Soul then wins.
  • My Favorite Web Sites....hmmm...if you like the chrome banner at the top this is where I had it made..

    you can find more great links below...

    oh yeah... this is me :-)

    If you'd like to chat sometime you can page me on ICQ, # 50315787..

    Wanna see some great pages?! Take a look at these...

    ..and his son is just as good!...

    or click here to see someone very special

    The great banner above my pic was made for me by..

    Here are some other great pages..

    If you like poetry,this is a nice one..

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