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The one and only website dedicated to the Baseball Journeys of Dave Long.

This website has been a lifetime in the making. I have been going to baseball games for many years and find each new park to be as exciting as the first. Please click on the following links to take you to ticket stubs of the parks I've visited and check my progress as I cover the USA!

Me, Tim, and Matt in Colorado

Baseball Journey 2002
Click here for details!

Click here to see a map of the country and the various parks I've seen - and who I've seen them with!

Major League experiences.

Here are the
Class AAA parks that I've been to.

Click on this link to see what
Class AA venues I've seen.

This will take you to the
Class A stadiums that I've visited.

This page takes you to my experiences with
Spring Training baseball. It's Major League ball with a minor league feel!

Independent Leagues are leagues of teams that are not affiliated with any Major League club (like Class AAA, AA, and A). They offer professional baseball in communities that can support a team, but there isn't enough room in MLB's farm system for them. Click here to see the Indy games I've seen.

Click here to see some pictures from my
Summer 2001 Trip around the country. Seven games in eight days - from Detroit to Denver and from Memphis to Toledo!

A Flaata Christmas

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