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HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Hey everyone! well, first I better explain about the title of this site-Avalon. I decided to make my site like Avalon, because it is one of the most mystical and mysterious places I know of, coming from one of my favorate and most beloved fantasy books, 'The Mists of Avalon' (you'll find it in the books section of this site). Well, now to explain what this website is about! Its basically a site featuring my interests. Each 'interest' has a seperate page. the different pages are listed below. Just to further explain them, the book and movie list is a list of great books and movies, and possibly some reviews and snippets of news about them. The Lord of the Rings +updates section is about, of course, the whole LOTR trilogy. The updates part is any news I can get about the cast members or the movies themselves. And, last but not least, the Agenda part is basically my schedule, and any news about me or my friends here in MA. This part of the site probably won't be much use to anyone who isn't a friend of mine in MA, but if you want to check it out, be my guest! Oh and if you want to get back to this page, click on the little picture of Avalon (a pretty, misty island) in the left hand corner of the page your at, and it will link you here. Well, explore, enjoy, and don't be afraid to send me comments about the site (whether good or bad).