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Hi and Welcome

     To Anne's World

This page contains some information about me,

and the world around me.

Hi my name is Anne Desrochers and this is what I looked like in 1975,

my high school picture.

Today, I may have a few years over what I looked like back then, but I actually weigh about 10 pounds less.

I won't tell you my exact age but will supply you with a hint if you truly want to know my age.  I was born in September, I reached 40 and then started counting backwards.  Currently I am 34, and according to my son at this rate we'll both be 27 at the same time.

Good luck with the hint.

I am a Libra (Zodiac Sign) but I am on the border of Virgo and hold the traits of both, but more towards Libra since I always seem to be in balance.

Hey I take the attitude that...

No one ever said life would be easy, you HAVE TO take the bad with the good, THAT'S ALL PART OF LIFE NOW ISN'T IT ?

For me, life is always changing, sometimes for the worse, but most of the time for the good.

Let's face it,

things cannot always be SUNNY AND BRIGHT because if it was, then the world would be really boring and you wouldn't appreciate it when you have good times.


I have been married to my husband Lenny for 21 years and we have two wonderful children, Lenny and Glorianna.  My husband isn't a senior though, they both have different middle names.


Alright so I caved and supplied you with a picture of me and my husband, but wouldn't you, he is a keeper and we do make a GREAT COUPLE.  As an extra bonus, this is the way my husband usually sees me so I thought I would enclose it too.  Yup, this is the computer and my office.

Next I'd like for you to meet my children, Lenny and Glorianna.

The following pictures are of my son and then him and his girl friend, Victoria. Quite the change from the picture above!


The following pictures are just a couple of my daughter doing  some of her favorite things, playing sports and activities. Believe it or not, I got more cooperation from "Lady" the horse about taking pictures then I did from my daughter. Lady just totally enjoyed it, and cooperated more then she had ever before.


Oh just in case you're wondering do we have pets?  Yup and they do like to add to my work load along with the many tasks that my daughter has going on in her life.  But they do it in such a loving way.  The dog will lick you to death and the cats, well you just look at them and they start purring, what more could you ask for - unconditional love.  Left to right you have Boots, in the next frame you have Frizz in the back and Cali in the front and to your far right you have Shaka.


My favorite color is blue, like the sky and water, both of which I like watching when I have the time.  Sunsets are also awesome, because it means the end of one day and Mother Nature just loves to give us a hint of what the next day will be like.  Hey she likes to have some fun too.

  If you'd care to see other sites of interest, click on the site that most interest you or visit them all, the choice is yours.

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A Couple of Anne's favorite sites.

"Children Learn What They Live"
"Leopard" by Leonard Desrochers my son
Perspective on Life.
You're never alone.

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