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Please wait while Tiberian Sun uploads all the files that you need to view this site...Check It Out.........Thanks!


   First of all, I have decided to make this site very simple to navigate...I mean Ya' came here for one thing...TIBERIAN SUN....anyhow, let me tell a few things about myself and my experience in Westwood's Tiberian Sun game. I want you to know that I personally use all these downloads. I have been playing Tiberian Sun since it first came out. Westwoods servers got sick of all the shit that was going on with thier servers. So in turn, eventually, and unfortunately, EA bought out Westwood, and became a server for awhile till' they got sick of all the bullshit that was going on the chat lobby also (e.g. assholes hacking people, spamming bots, etc.). Of course, being an old school player, I have seen and downloaded probably every extra add-on you can think of to Tiberian Sun.

   Now, with that in mind...let me tell you a few more things. I have seen every trainer, spamming program, map editor, multi- player patch, mod-maker and anything else you can think of that has to do with this game. I also know some of the programmers that made the game (by the way Westwood was located in.... Utah, U.S.A.) I have chatted with them numerous times while on-line (when it was the original Westwood Server ... WOL ). You will be able see some of thier names in a map made about them that you can download here. Anyhow, the files on this site are only files that you may need to enjoy the game more. However, I will not promote any use of any type of trainer! Yes , I do know where to find them, and have had everyone of them, so don't fuck with me on that matter! I HATE TRAINERS! Not only do they make reconnection errors while playing on-line, there are many of them that are in fact TROJAN VIRUSES! THIS ALSO INCLUDES THOSE STUPID -ASS COLOR CHANGERS. The original color changer was created by some prick that made it as a trojan virus, cause' it was sending your e-mail address that you use to create a name with, to him, so in turn he can send you spam mail. See how messed up that is? Common Now! Tiberian Sun is awesome game, play it fairly and don't ruin it, like many asswipers have. Enjoy The Game! If you really don't how to play this game, don't worry I will post HUGH TUTORIALS!

   There are a few things you might want to know....READ THE TUTORIALS IN THE MAP MAKING PROGRAMS BEFORE YOU SEND THEM TO OTHERS, AND ALWAYS CHECK YOUR MAP FOR ERRORS! Now if you got the balls enough to be an honest player, feel free to go ahead and download these files...Ask me if ya' need help...I'm on-line at xwis alot......Remember one thing...It's a Game for enjoyment...Have Fun!.....and I aint' liable if you fuck up on any of these downloads......I will be uploading more files, including over 700 different maps, check this site often....See Ya' On-Line ..........I'm Out...Abyssgods.


All these files are in WINZIP format. If you cannot open them get Winzip Free right HERE!

The 100% Working 8 Player Patch

Tiberian sun 2.03 update English version only !! Patch wont work on Spanish, Deutsche, French 2.03 ; )

Install it to... C:\Westwood\SUN\ a shortcut on U Desktop..Run TS...Run 8 Player Patch...Have Fun & Start a 6-8 Player Game! O.K., there are other ones out there , and I have em' all,...but guess what? This is the best one, so I ain't gonna give ya' any others...LOL...Go ahead... download it quick before I change my mind!!!

Final Sun Map Editor

A Must Have For On/Off-Line Map Makers! Its the best one I've seen...though there are others...well' get to them later..use this for now. This can be used with Sun Edit 2k...Mod Maker...Awesome!

Sun Edit 2k Key Generator

This will unlock the Sun Edit 2k...don't worry it's legal...Stave Childs now gives his program for free! Open it up through the "about" link in the program...copy and paste code to unlock.

Sun Edit 2K

A Must Have For All Your Easy Mod Making...On-Line or Not!

Sun Edit 2k Mod Manager

Control all your mod maps, otherwise you might just fuck up TS original .ini files!!

Tiberian Sun Map Shrinker

A Must Have For On-Line Maps! Shrink those dam maps so you can transfer to others easily! P.S.: This will take out any 3D areas in maps (e.g. cliffs, water ect., ect.).

Tiberian Sun Font

A must have for any one who wants to add Tiberian Sun writing to images, letters, etc.
Install it to...C:\WINDOWS\Fonts.

Water Command by Abyssgods!

Right click...Save file as..all files...Install to.....C:\Westwood\SUN....usually, I am not going to be liable for any damage caused by installing these maps...This is my most recent map I made...The packages is below.....Enjoy and have fun! Abyssgods

435 Different Maps Package!

Install all these files to.....C:\Westwood\SUN....usually, I am not going to be liable for any damage caused by installing these maps...If you install all at once Tiberian Sun will run its best to install as you like the maps....copyright goes to all authors...There are 435 maps in this package....Enjoy and have fun! Abyssgods

The Original .ini Files For TS!

Install all these files to.....C:\Westwood\SUN....I am not going to be liable for any damage caused by installing these files....Enjoy and have fun! Abyssgods

The Version 2.03 Update Files For English TS Only!

I am not going to be liable for any damage caused by installing these files....Enjoy and have fun! Abyssgods


©2006 Abyssgods