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My Life on a day-to-day basis
Friday, 24 June 2005
The day before tomorrow :D
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: the pepperridge farm goldfish song *hums a happy tune*
Well I'm back from a a long (wet) day at the highland show. I didn't get tot wear my skirt and sandals cus it ended up raining all morning so it was very wet :( The show on a hole wasn't as good as last year. Things were very expensive cus of the captive audience and there was no where near as many freebies as last year. the Wiseman milk people even wanted to charge me £1.20 for 250ml of chocolate milk! I could go to Tesco's and buy 6 litres of the white stuff for that price! but I paid it anyway cus it's so far the only milk i've been able to drink and still feel a-ok and they for what ever reason dont sell the chocholate or strawberry in shops. anyway moving on..the bestest bit was the chocolate fountain...that was sooo tasty. I wanted to just shove my head under the steady stream of melted chocolate pouring down the 3 tier fountain into the thick pool at the bottom...*drools* anyway check out the picture in the picture bit :P Oh! I almost forgot to mention the Massai Warriors that came to...They were brilliant. they did their jumping dance things and were rly friendly and talked alot about the tribe and village where they live in Kenya. then they were selling beaded jewlery afterwards which i bought a bunch of cus they were rly pretty and dead cheap. Hmm what else? o Princess Anne was there but i didn't see her...but i did see the troop of helicopters that came to pick her up at the end. hmm i think that could be it..TTYL

Posted by wizard/angelspictures at 12:01 AM BST
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Thursday, 23 June 2005
Woot! schools out for the summer!! (well for me anyway)
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: old stuff by the Foo Fighters
*sings* Schools out for the summer...well for me anyway. Everyone else still has to go to school tomorrow but I DONT :P hehe well i guess I should tell ya why....I'm going to the Highland Show at Ingliston with my mom cus it's Ladies' Day so we're going to put on out skirts (yes, me in a skirt..I know..imaginable), our high heels (well maybe some clumpy sandles) and our fancy handbags (hehe rly) and hope for good weather *crosses fingers and prays to the god of sunshine and high heat, low humidity* anyway it should be really fun. We went last year and it was great (apart from my dad tagging along :/) So this year should be even greater cus my mom and I always have a good laugh in places like this.


Posted by wizard/angelspictures at 12:01 AM BST
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Tuesday, 21 June 2005
Woot! live 8 for me!
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: James Blunt's newish song (dunno the name)
*victory dance* i got 2 tickets to live 8 edinburgh.....YAY!!! Hmmm who to take, who to take. well the obvious one would be Sarah or Sammy but who? well the answer is none! I'm gonna take my mom :D Yeah I know they're gonna be bummed but honestly it wouldn't be fair on either one since i only have 2 tickets and I want to go so I'm not likely to be nice enough to give them the tickets and have me stay at home :P So sorry dudes but me and my mo are gonna do. look for me on TV tho cus you never know :D

Posted by wizard/angelspictures at 12:01 AM BST
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Monday, 20 June 2005
4 Days Left!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Matchbox 20 (in my head)
*sighs* yet another weeks goes by and i'm still at school.....It seems to be taking a loooong time for a week to pass. Thankfully i only have 4 days left (well technically 3 days and a period, since this is 5th of 6) todays not really been very eventful but i'm sitting in my private study class, not really studying in private, since i'm singing in my head while typing this up. how fun! :P Anyway, my weekend wasn't very eventful since all i did was eat, sleep, watch TV, shower, eat some more, worked on my space thingy... o and Sarah slept over, but thats another story that could hurt some people if i go into it on this. I didn't even get to go on AC properly. Mind you
I probably would have bit everyones head off since I wasn't in a good mood, sorry MX. What was I suppose to be talking about in this?? I can't remember so i'm gonna go cus the bell's gonna ring and i have to go to health class.

P.S. I need suggestions of a book of "litterary merit" dont ask what it means cus i'm not too sure of how you tell if it's literrary merit or needs depth basically and i need to be able write like 6000 words on it. I'm open to suggestions on new titles or comment on my current choices:
"The Old Man and The Sea" - Hemmingway
"Lord of the Flies" - William Golding
"Catcher in the Rye" - J D Salinger
"To Kill a Mockingbird" - Harper Lee

Please let me know if you've read any of these and think i could write on them...It'd rly help me out. Tnx :)


Posted by wizard/angelspictures at 2:27 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 20 June 2005 7:20 PM BST
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Wednesday, 15 June 2005
My Infinite Nerdyness, continued
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Queen!
We were at the SPACE CAMP 2006!!!! info thingy today, it was acctually rly quite fun. They had 2 astronauts and an engineer that spoke to everyone, The first was a dude named Leroy Chiao. He tols us about what he did up on the International Space Station which he was on for 6 months and he showed us a bunch of pictures he'd taken from Space of the earth and some other planets which were acctually pretty "neat" (I hate that word). Then a lady called Karen Nyber (or Nyger/Nyborn/Nybern...not tooo sure) she's still training to be an astronaut but has been put forward to be on the next moon landing team. She also told us about the new space shuttle design she's working on which looks kinda cool. Then there was another lady that came on (cant rememebr name at all) She's an engineer and told us about all the jobs that are involved in a space mission (ALOT!!!) Then we had lunch (which wasn't very good) then we split up into groups by our region and were given our assignments that we had to complete by certain dates to be in with a chance of winning. The best one is where you have to design a space station for Mars! hehe it looks kinda fun but will take alot of time to research and draw stuff out :/ Anyway, when the seminar was finished, we went to go find my mom (she left us to go shopping after lunch since she doesn't know anything about physics/space) when we found her we went to get a drink (thats where the "caffinated" thing somes in, since i had a rather large frapaccino from starbucks, which i must admit was kinda good on a hot scottish day :P Then we came home and here I am.

Posted by wizard/angelspictures at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 20 June 2005 2:09 PM BST
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Tuesday, 14 June 2005
My infinite Nerdyness
Mood:  silly
Well i'm not sure now many people i told about this but, I'M GOING TO SPACE CAMP 2006!!!!! hehe i'm kinda psyched (spelling?) i must admit :P If i'm good enough at answering my questions and get good marks on all the projects, I'm mihgt be one of the lucky 50 people who get to go to Houston! We get to go for 10 days and have a tour of the Johnson Space Centre and meet a bunch of "space-men/women" (hehe astronauts) and a a few real rocket scientists (i never thought they existed) and if just sounds kinda cool (I know..I'm sad. Anyway, the whole point of me telling you all this is that Mr Flemming is suppose to take us (Sarah and I) to Glasgow to the Strathclyde University to go to the first seminar about the whole thing but he's currently unavoidably detained atm (hehe there's no subs available for tomorrow to cover him)so my mom has thankfully stepped up to take us (YAY!! that would be so weired to go anywhere with him...he's kinda creepy) so it should be fun..hopefully.

Posted by wizard/angelspictures at 12:01 AM BST
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Monday, 13 June 2005
My first entry! :)
Mood:  not sure
Hello everyone!

Well i'm stuck here in my private study class (Mrs Ferguson from ICT) Thinking how completly and utterly bored i am. So far this is my first proper day back at school since being off on study leave (which I must admit that i'm kinda happy to be back, i was so bored out of my mind being at home just playing AC for like 3 weeks. Tee hee) So far, today, i've had Physics, Math (the textbook is SO big!), Accounting and English ,i'm kinda bummed i got Mrs Elliott and Mrs Penny again, i mean they're nice enough people but they cant offense :P Anyway, i'm just back from lunch and am currently sitting in my first ever private study class and am discovering how long this years going to be and it's only my first day :P AND to top it off i have health class next...yeah sex ed for me :P hmm what should i do when i get home? Mind you there's not much i can do since it's pissing itself outside (plz excuse my language, but it is :P) hmm maybe i'll make some cookies...what'd u think chocolate chip, double chocolate chip or cowboy cookies? i'm partial to all three i must admit. Anyhoo, i'm gonna go update some other part of my webby site and hope i dont get in trouble for "not studying during a study period" -dont ask btw-

Cya later *MWA*

Posted by wizard/angelspictures at 2:24 PM BST
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