Created by chris johnson.
Her Ghost.
This life is nothing more than something of nothing that never existed thourough through this tale and find the meaning of nothing because I was once nothing indeed. No more reason for me, No more reason for breaking the truth.
the art of blank spacing.
Mildred, Mildred wait up for me. Jesus you run fast. So what if I do , well I didn't mean anything by it. You sissy. Hey do you want to start this again? No not really,
the art of blank spacing.
Well than shut the hell up. Hmph...,
the art of blank spacing.
Hey did you get the spells, Yeah I sure did! what now? Now we blow the minds away from hundreds of students that hate us Passionatly..,
the art of blank spacing.
Hey did you see that ghost last night? No, actually I was probably sleeping like the rest of the neighborhood! Well it really was pretty kick ass it had fangs and a tail and..,
the art of blank spacing.
You know you really should stop lying to me just because you want to impress me! Impress you! I really couldn't give a shit about impressing you! Shut up
the art of blank spacing.
I know that you adore me! What's there to adore. Alright let's stop this,
the art of blank spacing.
what the..? You're the one that started it you dumb ass! Hey look the school It's like so dead looking, Hey what the hell is that thing? I don't know? I wounder..,
the art of blank spacing.
Mildred, mildred! wait up for me.
the art of blank spacing.
Holy shit what is going on Ahh I'm back where I started what is this shit How am I supposed to deal with this what the hell am I going to do kill him stab him cut his throat to end this to end this insain battle between time and loop How many times is this now let's see 1..2. fuck nine times nine times I have done this is there no way to get out of this is there no way to care.....
the art of blank spacing.
Mildred, Mildred wait up for me. Jesus you run fast. So what if I do , well I didn't mean anything by it. You sissy. Hey do you want to start this again? No not really......Forever I will seek forever will I die Forever will I know.
the art of blank spacing.