Alex: why wont you go out with me?
Alex: all i want is someone to hold
Alex: thats all
Alex: nothing else
Alex: thats it
Alex: lol
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: Alex!!!!!!!!!!!! I like you and all but just not that way. I can't explain it but I just........... can't
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: we're too good of friends!!!!!!!!
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: please forgive me
Alex: which brings me to my next point
Alex: i read that somewheres
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: well i guess but ..................... I don't know
Alex: you just dont know me well enough
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: maybe i need to know you better
Alex: you sure as hell didnt need to know ben
Alex: ya know?
Alex: i mean what is there to know
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: I've known him since I was 2
Alex: oh
Alex: my bad
Alex: ha
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: ALEX ido like you i just don't really know you that well
Alex: then GET TO know me
Alex: i mean there isnt anything wrong with me
Alex: but there has to be
Alex: thats why no one else likes me
Alex: so something is obviously wrong
Alex: am i that annoying?
Alex: well guess im fucked
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: are you? hehe
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: Alex stop it
Alex: lol
Alex: no
Alex: am i that bad?
Alex: tell me the truth
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: no you're not!!!!!!!!!!!
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: just no really my type
Allen Iverson is the love of my life!: :$
Alex: :s
Alex: sigh
Alex: ok fine
*** ( has joined the conversation. nite
Alex: see you tomorrrow
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