Crazy Joker



Versus: Ryan Rage     Event: Ultimate Destruction     Stipulation: Singles Match

Record:     06-00-01    Promo:     16

Seventh Gate of Hell    

- [RIP Thomas(1x)],[Larry Fields2x],[Jake Durin1x],[Sin of Silence1x],[Peter Davis1x],[Jessie Garon1x],[Oklahoma Kid1x],[Mr. Extreme1x],[Marcos Wilson(1st Match Draw),1x],[Ryan Rage1x?]

NSWA ACHIEVEMENTS: - Signing With NSWA, NSWA DoubleX Champion(1x),TV Title#1 Contender - Past Achievements: ZWF Tag Champ[1x/Moonwolfe] ZWF IC Champ[1x] ZWF European Champ[1x] ZWF Light Heavy Weight Champ[1x] ZWF Xtreme Champion[1x,1st] ZWF United States Champion[1x, Last] WWE-Online Hardkore Champion[1x,1st] TIW Tag Champ[2x] WOW Hardkore Champion[2x], XWM Chaos Champion[1x], XWM Undisputed Champion[1x] Retired Ronnie Styles from ZWF & Wrestling Forever

Did I do what I said I was going to do last week. I think Ultimate Destruction went pretty damn well if I say so myself. It was as if I was leading The Underground Nation the whole night. I took care of business when Zac Murdock won his match versus Mr. Extreme. Yet of course he didn't see it nor realize it was coming. I dragged his sorry ass out to that ring and let Zac pick'em off. I also got Larry Fields on the rebound. You see this was my plan the whole time, Danny Maher wasn't going to stop me from getting my hands on Anthony Phoenix. Now it looks like Danny has no choice but to give me whats mine and thats the NSWA Television Title. Marcos Wilson also felt this fate when I not only humiliated him in front of those fans like I said I would, I nearly KILLED this man. What stopped me from destroying Marcos Wilson's career, I don't know, Should of I ended it....Yes! Did I...No! Because Marcos I'm letting you finally realize that you can't beat me, No matter how hard you try, not on your best day...This week though is Ryan Rage. A man who is the number one contender for the NSWA World Heavy Weight Championship. A man many say is the next Hall of Famer a man who has only had two loses in this federation. Two loses not from single matches, but when the stack has been set against him. In singles competition this man is virtually unstoppable, yet at the same time so has Crazy Joker. A man who is six and zero in the NSWA, a man who has yet to suffer a loss, will Ryan Rage be the first to give it to him, or will Joker prevail and show his true colors. When Joker is simply known as the best. Only time will tell and next week on Ultimate Destruction Ryan Rage feels PAIN!

-I was sitting down on a chair in my locker room. With my Double X Title firmly planted around my shoulder. I sat looking at the wall in a stare. It's a big night for someone like me. This could quite possibly be the biggest night in my career. Sure many said Marcos Wilson was my toughest object, but this man Ryan Rage could quite possibly be the one to end my winning streak here. He could be the man to put me in my place. Will I let him do it so easy or fast...No! I'll give him a run for his money, I'll show Ryan Rage that I'm not a push over that I'm a somebody....A knock came from outside my door. I didn't say nothing, I figured if I was quiet that they would just leave. I heard the knock again. Still I didn't make a peep, my door knob started to turn and the figure opens the door. It's Zac Murdock, he walks over to me and I just keep staring at the wall. As he spoke.

Zac Murdock: Man Joker. Last night we made a statement. See I told you that the UN is taking things over.

-I didn't make a noise, a movement. I was in my own world to even focus.

Zac Murdock: Hey man cheer up. At least we walked out with two out of three victory's right. I mean you did make one hell of a statement when you took out three men in one night. Damn Joker! You just lined them up and knocked them down. Who was it that second rate chump Mr. Extreme, Marcos Wilson in your street fight, and Larry Fields for the Double X Title. The title I'm the number one contender for...

-I quickly turned my head to Zac and gave him the most evil look I could. He began to get a weird look on his face and speaks.

Zac Murdock: Don't worry I'm not going to attack you from behind or nothing man. When I have my match with you one on one for the title is when I want to take it.

-I turned my attention back to the wall and slightly chuckled to myself.

Zac Murdock: What's so funny, man?

-I got up from the chair and firmly placed my title around my shoulder again but this time a little more cockier as if to say "I'm the champ and You're not", Just rubbing it in. I looked Zac Murdock in his face, eye to eye. I gave him a slight grin.

Crazy Joker: That you think you can beat me for the Double X Title.

-I just chuckled again and walked away. I walked out of the locker room as the camera pans back over to Zac Murdock.

Zac Murdock: He's really asking for an ass whopping!

-Zac just smiles as the NSWA camera goes to a commercial break.


-It's a cold night outside the arena tonight. It's the first time in many weeks that I've come outside just to clear my head. Lately it seems I'm to busy getting my head smashed in by Anthony Phoenix. I'm sitting on the floor with my title laying on the ground next to me.

Crazy Joker: You know it's hard being the Double X Champion. You never know when someones going to strike. Recently Anthony Phoenix tried to take a crack at me and just like whats going to happen at the pay per view, I prevailed. You see Anthony me and you have a date at Universal Uprise for the second grandest prize this industry or superstar has ever seen. Around the world Anthony, people are going to be tuning in. People are going to be wondering who's going to walk out the NSWA Television champion. But my odds I say are quite great seeing how you've got Ryan Rage for the NSWA World Heavy Weight Title in the same night. Sure you were probably going to defend this title against whoever else at Universal Uprise. But I doesn't look like it went that way. You see Anthony, what happened, The following night you won this here NSWA Double X Title, Larry Fields attacked you and pinned you thanks to the NSWA twenty four seven rule. You were supposed to be facing Larry Fields tonight for this title but it don't look like it's going to happen. And why because, I, Crazy Joker pinned him for it. That's right many say Larry Fields is a hard Double X Champion to beat, but I proved other wise. That Larry is just like the rest of us, He's nothing more then just a human being. As far as for me Anthony Phoenix, sure I'm from Death Valley, California, But I was raised in the DARKEST DEPTHS OF HELL! Anthony you don't know what it's like for someone like me. I'm sure you were that kid growing up who had a silver spoon in his mouth. The only reason you're a wrestler is just to get Endorsements. Like that's something to be proud of, you want to be this mega-superstar. But when it's all said and done. And your career is finally over, what will they know you as Anthony...The Pretty Boy. Yeah you were the first Grand slam Champion here, It last what one night. Anthony I'm on my way up. I could be the future Grand slam Champion. Yes I'll give it to you, You set the goal no doubt. But I hold one of the three titles right now...Anthony I've got the Double X Title, Come Universal Uprise I'll have your NSWA Television Title. You say it's the title you fought most for. I'm glad, that means I'll have to train twice as hard, get myself Mentally, Emotionally, Physically ready for this match. Anthony I will not lay down, I will not let you try and take advantage of the match. Because Anthony we're playing by MY RULES! You're PLAYING WITH THE MASTER OF THIS MATCH! ANTHONY YOU FACE ME IN A FIRST BLOOD MATCH! This is a match I can't wait for. If you thought I was ruthless when I bashed Mr. Extremes head a few times busting him wide open was something...If you thought me beating Larry Fields over the head with a steel pipe was RUTHLESS....If you thought me beating the life out of Marcos Wilson was REMORSEFUL...Then Anthony Phoenix Come Universal Uprise....YOU HAVEN'T SEEN NOTHING YET! And that Title you hold will be coming home to a new owner....YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE AND THE RULER OF HELL...CRAZY JOKER!!!

-I gave the camera a twisted smile. I chuckled to myself finding it amusing. I looked at the camera again but this time with a serious stare.

Crazy Joker: This now brings me to my next point. Mr. Ryan Rage, it seems that tonight me and you got a singles match. A straight up match, one on one. Which is good, seeing how I don't want to hurt you before you gotta go to your NSWA Title match. I mean tonight Ryan, I wouldn't want you to get a torn ACL, or maybe just lose a limb. Tonight Rage I'll make it an easy beating. But yet you already know not to take me lightly. Except it just seems every time I see you in the NSWA you're bitching about something. Whether it be about your number one shot, whether it be about your rankings on the god damn T-Money show. I mean what you think you're better then me. You think you can beat me in the rankings...Rage, Let's face facts Buddie. I'm NSWA's most Watched, Most Respected, and Let's not forget I'm NSWA's Most Downloaded superstar on the net. No it's true Rage I looked I've seen it...You came in a sad forth. Number two was T-Money, and Sad but Anthony was number three. Hell Rage I feel you should be three, but lets be honest no one remembers two or three...And you're forth, so this really means no one cares about you. Rage I made my presence felt when I kicked your ass in the twenty four seven rule to become this Double X Champion. When I beat you my first time for the title, so it looks like I've got the advantage coming into this match. I've not only got your number but I'm inside your head Rage. You already are doubting yourself and why, for what reason, because is it that you finally realize that I'm the best. Many look upon me and say I'm nothing more than a gimmick. But what happens when those type of people step into the ring with me Rage....I show them NO MERCY, NO REMORSE, NO FEAR! I go into every match with my mind set on destruction. And why do I do this Rage? Why Do I insist on hurting people? I guess I do it Rage so I can show every last worthless piece of shit that I'm something to be known around here. That I will be known as the one who makes the biggest statements. Last week Rage I single handedly took out three NSWA Competitors. I know all about you Rage, I know what you can do in that ring this is why I'm not taking you lightly, because I know what You've done. Hell I've been watching you go to work and kick ass since Boiling Points. Rage that was two months ago. I've only been here two months and already I'm a bigger name then you. Man that must hurt, But I get it you're mad because of th respect thing. Rage I've got respect for you, but after our match we can be friends...Tonights match my mind set is on releasing hell and it just so happens you were next on the list that NSWA has set up. Ryan the only thing I can say is Good Luck tonight, because I'm pissed and my goal tonight is truly going to be an ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!!! ENTER MY MIND, ENTER MY WORLD, ENTER THE SEVENTH GATE OF HELL!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!

-I looked at the camera serious again. I got up and started to walk back into the arena as the NSWA cameras slowly fade to another commercial break.

Conclusion: Tonight is a match between two big men who have alot to prove and alot to lose. These two men in the ring a virtually unstoppable, so what happens when you put two gorillas like this in a match? Well you get one hell of a show...I can't wait to see the outcome tune in to ESPN on MONDAY NIGHTS AT NINE!

OOC Message: Okay this Rp was made by me NSWA's Crazy Joker(Anthony) The Banner i give credit to KIRK my Banner maker, and the pics i got from on Line. This Rp is no way Afflieated with Nwa Tna, XPW, WWE, WCW, or any other federations. If you so happen to steal this layout and i see it used in another fed, i swear to god i will STAB YOU IN THE FACE WITH A SAUDRING IRON! And this Rp may have some bad languge, so if you are that much of a pussy i say click the little X in the right hand corner and get the fuck out, Thank you Anthony. And if you want a copy, I'll just laugh in your face and think about it, Have a Nice Day.