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S Herbs

Herbs also available in Bulk

Widdershin's Apothecary offers hundreds (around 400, check the Curio Page also) of herbs, woods, minerals and resins of high quality, for any magickal need for your own preparations, rites, or workings. All our botanicals are 100% natural and contain no chemicals. Herbs are either certified organic, organic, wild-crafted or grown locally. All items are sold by weight. Internet orders are packaged in convenient 1-ounce quantities in reusable zip lock Baggies.

We are always adding new items to our stock!
This list was updated April 2009

Sacred Tobacco
Tobacco is a suitable substitute for sulphur, datura and nightshade (which are related to tobacco). A poultice made with tobacco is effective in reducing the pain and swelling from insect stings.

Magickal Uses: This plant has long been regarded as sacred by most Native American peoples and used in numerous religious ceremonies. In some shamanic traditions, candidates drink tobacco juice to induce visions. Smoke is one of the vehicles by which prayers are transported. It allows communication with the spirits of the other levels of existence. It is also used to purify an area of all negativity and spirits. In South America, tobacco is thrown into the river before beginning a journey as an offering to the river gods. It is also used to purify one of evil after a nightmare. This is done by washing in a running stream and then throwing in tobacco as an offering to the Great Water Spirit.
Saffron, Spanish 1oz.
Sage, white 1oz.
This is the sage used by western Native Americans for spiritual purification of dwellings and sweathouses by smudging with smoke produced from burning the dried leaves.

Magickal Uses: Tradition holds that those who eat sage become immortal both in wisdom and in years. Sage is used in wish manifestation, by writing the wish on the leaf and hide it under your pillow for three nights, if you dream of your wish it will come to pass, if not then bury the leaf; and to attract money. Sage absorbs negativity and misfortune. It drives away disturbances and tensions, and lifts the spirits above the mundane cares of life. Burn to consecrate a ritual space. Carry it as an herb of protection (usually in a small horn). Use it in the ritual bath and chalice. A few interesting gardening tips about sage are:
1) It is bad luck to plant sage in your own garden, have someone else do it for you.
2) Always plant some other plant in with the sage. A full bed of sage without something else growing in with it will also bring bad luck.
3) Sage draws toads to the garden.
Sandalwood, red 1oz.
Sandal, Santal

Magickal Uses: Sandalwood oil placed on the forehead aids in focusing the mind. The scent opens the highest spiritual centers and so makes an appropriate incense for rituals, exorcisms, and healings. The powdered wood is strewn to the directions or offered to the fire to bring protection and consecration to any ceremony. A sandalwood chip may have your wish written on it and burned. Mix it with lavender to enhance contact with the spirit world. Mix it with frankincense for the highest spiritual “octave”. The scents of frankincense and sandalwood have some of the highest vibrations inherent in any plant. They will resonate with aspects of ourselves or with Devic/Angelic beings of the highest order. This makes them a preferred choice for Full Moon rituals and séances. Beads made from sandalwood promote spiritual awareness. Rose is another herb held to have that frequency, thus attracting or eliciting the highest spiritual vibrations from within the cosmos and ourselves.
Sandalwood, yellow 1oz.
Sandal, Santal

Magickal Uses: Sandalwood oil placed on the forehead aids in focusing the mind. The scent opens the highest spiritual centers and so makes an appropriate incense for rituals, exorcisms, and healings. The powdered wood is strewn to the directions or offered to the fire to bring protection and consecration to any ceremony. A sandalwood chip may have your wish written on it and burned. Mix it with lavender to enhance contact with the spirit world. Mix it with frankincense for the highest spiritual “octave”. The scents of frankincense and sandalwood have some of the highest vibrations inherent in any plant. They will resonate with aspects of ourselves or with Devic/Angelic beings of the highest order. This makes them a preferred choice for Full Moon rituals and séances. Beads made from sandalwood promote spiritual awareness. Rose is another herb held to have that frequency, thus attracting or eliciting the highest spiritual vibrations from within the cosmos and ourselves.
Sassafras 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Sassafras is added to prosperity incenses. Carry it in the purse or wallet for this reason. It is also added to spells and sachets for healing.
Senna Pods Whole 1oz.

Magickal Uses: : Senna is used in love spells, potions and mixtures
Skullcap 1oz.
Greater Scullcap, Scullcap, Hamlet Flower, Hoodwort, Madweed

Magickal Uses: Skullcap is an herb of peace and relaxation. It is added to the chalice as a strengthener of vows. It is given to one’s spouse to wear as protection from the charms of the opposite sex.
Slippery Elm bark 1oz.
Indian Elm, Moose Elm, Red Elm

Magickal Uses: Slippery elm is used in magick for its effect on communications. To endow a child with influential communications skills, have them wear the bark around their neck. To prevent gossip about you, burn slippery elm and then toss a yellow knotted cord into the fire.
Solomon’s Seal 1oz.
Dropberry, Lady’s Seal, St. Mary’s Seal, Sealroot, Sealwort, Solomon Seal
One of the offertory incenses.

Magickal Uses: Solomon’s seal is an herb of cleansing and consecration. Add it to the incense on the altar. Use it during rites of exorcism or protective rituals. The root is used either whole, place in the four corners of the home for protection, or as an infusion and sprinkled to exorcise unwanted spirits.
Southern John the Conqueror 1oz.
Trillium, Beth, Beth Root, Indian Root, And True Love

Magickal Uses: an herb of love and luck; carry it to draw both of these. Rub the root on your body to attract love.
Spearmint 1oz.
Brown Mint, Garden Mint, Green Mint, Green Spine, Lamb Mint, Mackeral Mint, Mismin (Irish Gaelic), Our Lady’s Mint, Spire Mint, Yerba Buena (Spanish)
Magickal Uses: Spearmint is excellent in healing magickal operations. It is especially effective for lung conditions and when the aroma is inhaled it increases psychic and mental abilities. Stuff your pillow or mattress with spearmint for protect while you sleep..

Magickal Uses: When worn around the neck, spikenard brings luck and prevents disease. It also ensures fidelity.
St. John’s Wort 1oz.
Amber, Fuga daemonum (Latin: Scare-Devil), Goat Weed, Herba John, Klamath Weed, Sol Terrestis, Tipton Weed.
A highly esteemed herb since ancient times when it was used to heal deep sword cuts.
Warning: Can cause skin allergies in sunlight, and prolonged use should be avoided.

Magickal Uses: The Welsh called this plant the “leaf of the blessed”. It was understood to be an ideal combination of water and fire, the ultimate healing essence. Fire symbolized the fruitful light-filled forces of summer, and water the gathering and setting forces of the dark season. Midsummer is the time of balance between these forces of light and dark. In Brittany the plant is ritually gathered by people wearing loose, flowing robes. One must pray and ask permission before plucking it with the left hand. The earth around the plant is first loosened with a knife, and the whole plant is pulled out at once. Great care is taken to ensure that the roots are intact and undisturbed. The picking of this herb symbolizes the dismemberment of the God, the Summer Lord. It is a solemn sacrifice. After drying or tincturing the plant is administered to the sick. When you give this plant to one who is sick, you are remembering the God: putting back together the pieces of his body that have been scattered. If St. John’s Wort is gathered on Midsummer or on a Friday, and then worn, it will cure melancholy and mental illness. It is also worn to prevent fevers and colds. Soldiers have worn it to become invincible and to attract love. Dried over the Midsummer fires and then hung near windows it is used to protect from necromancers and evil. Use it for protection from thunderbolts and fire by placing it in a glass jar near the window. Burn it to exorcise demons, ghosts, and spirits..
Stevia 1oz.
This herb is extremely sweet – about 300 times sweeter than sugar. It doesn’t contain calories so it is great for the dieter. Allegedly helps diabetics by improving their insulin production.
Strawberry leaf 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Being an herb of Venus, strawberries incite love when eaten. Expectant women sometimes carry a sachet of strawberry leaves to ensure an easy pregnancy. The leaves are carried for luck.

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