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P Herbs

Herbs also available in Bulk

Widdershin's Apothecary offers hundreds (around 400, check the Curio Page also) of herbs, woods, minerals and resins of high quality, for any magickal need for your own preparations, rites, or workings. All our botanicals are 100% natural and contain no chemicals. Herbs are either certified organic, organic, wild-crafted or grown locally. All items are sold by weight. Internet orders are packaged in convenient 1-ounce quantities in reusable zip lock Baggies.

We are always adding new items to our stock!
This list was updated April 2009

Parsley leaf 1oz.
Devil’s Oatmeal, Percely, Persil, Petersillie, Petroselinum, and Rock Parsley

Magickal Uses: Parsley in linked with love; eating it induces lust and promotes fertility; cutting it ends love. The Greeks used parsley in funeral rites; it was held sacred to Persephone. It was wound into funeral wreaths and used to decorate tombs. Even though it is a plant associated with death it is also one of protection. The Romans used it for protection by tucking a sprig of it in their togas every morning. Chefs customarily place it on plates, originally to prevent contamination of the food. Use in purification baths to stop misfortune, and wearing a wreath to inhibit intoxication.
Passion flower 1oz.
Grandilla, Maracoc, Maypops, Passion Vine

Magickal Uses: Carry this flower to win friends and increase charisma, not passion. Brought into the home, passionflower calms and brings peace. Sprinkle it over the doorstep to keep harm from entering. Place it in power bundles and love spells to attract love. Burn it in incense to promote understanding. Under the pillow, it aids in sleep.
Patchouli 1oz.
Patchouli may be used as a substitute for graveyard dust.
It is one of the most popular fragrances in the world. The heavy, distinctive scent of patchouli was made famous, or infamous, during the hippie generation of the 60’s. Also, one of the most popular perfumes in the Orient and especially India. Patchouli is regarded as the strongest plant scent in the world. The leaves are excellent in potpourris and sachets.

Magickal Uses: Because of its rich, earthy smell it is used in prosperity spells and potions. Sprinkle it on money, in purses and wallets, and around green candles. Add to sachets and baths for love and fertility operations. Traditionally, patchouli is used to attract people and to promote lust. (Contemporary American voodoo based herbal magick cites its use as a ‘separation’ herb, but this use does not have a long historical support.)
Pau d’Arco bark 1oz.
Bowstick, Ipe Roxo, Taheebo

Magickal Uses: Use for Ritual healing during the waning moon.
Peach Blossoms 1oz.

Magickal Uses: The fruit is used in operations involving love and fertility. Eat the fruit, or serve it to your intended, for love and to gain wisdom. It is thought that the wood of the peach tree, when carried will increase one’s life span and may lead to immortality. In the Orient, the peach tree’s branches are used to drive away evil spirits, root out illness, and as divining and magickal wands. Chinese children wear the pit around their neck to keep demons away. The blossoms are used in love spells.
Peach leaf 1oz.

Magickal Uses: The fruit is used in operations involving love and fertility. Eat the fruit, or serve it to your intended, for love and to gain wisdom. It is thought that the wood of the peach tree, when carried will increase one’s life span and may lead to immortality. In the Orient, the peach tree’s branches are used to drive away evil spirits, root out illness, and as divining and magickal wands. Chinese children wear the pit around their neck to keep demons away.
Pear Blossoms 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Magickal Uses: Use in love spells and to induce lust. The wood may be used to make magickal wands. Legend tells that at one time Witches once danced beneath pear trees.
Pear leaf 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Use in love spells and to induce lust. The wood may be used to make magickal wands. Legend tells that at one time Witches once danced beneath pear trees.
Pennyroyal 1oz.
Lurk-In-The-Ditch, Mosquito Plant, Organ Broth, Organ Tea, Piliolerian, Pudding Grass, Run-By-The-Ground, Squaw Mint, Tickweed

Magickal Uses: Pennyroyal is an herb of peace and protection when worn or carried. It is placed in the shoe when traveling to prevent weariness and to add strength. It wards off evil and aids in business negotiations. Pennyroyal will cause a quarreling couple to quit fighting and prevents seasickness. Tied on the bedpost, it sharpens the brain and wits. Pennyroyal kept in a bowl brings peace to the household. It is used to bathe the body of the deceased to bring a peaceful transition to the next life.
Peppercorns, pink 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Use in spells to spice up your romance.
Peppercorns, black 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Black pepper is added to amulets for protection from evil and to free you from envious thoughts. When mixed with salt and sprinkled around the home it dispels evil.
Peppermint 1oz.
Brandy Mint, Lammint

Magickal Uses: The presence of peppermint raises the vibrations so it has long been used in healing and purification spells. Rub your furniture, walls, and floors for this. Its aroma will compel sleep and may bring prophetic dreams. Pliny recommended adding peppermint to love spells, as it “excites love.”
Periwinkle 1oz.
Blue Buttons, Centocchiio (Italian: Hundred Eyes), Devil’s Eye, Joy on the Ground, Sorcerer’s Violet
Considered a powerful magickal herb, periwinkle should be gathered according to the Pseudo-Apuleius in a strict manor to ensure its efficacy in the operation.
“It is to be gathered when one is ‘clean of every uncleanness’’ when the Moon is one night old, nine nights old, eleven nights old or thirteen nights old, and the following incantation should be uttered while plucking the plant:

“I pray thee, vinca pervinca, thee that art to be had for thy many useful qualities, that thou come to me glad blossoming with thy mainfulness, that thou outfit me so that I be shielded and prosperous and undamaged by poisons and water."

Magickal Uses: Once called “sorcerer’s violet”, periwinkle is used in love charms and potions. A powerful charm against evil spirits, it was also called the “flower of death,” as it was made into crowns for dead children at their burial. In Germany it was known as the “flower of immortality,” and in France it symbolized friendship. Carry this plant to obtain grace, to attract money, and for protection from snakes, poison, wild beasts, terror, and evil spirits. Place it over the door to protect the home. Use in Love spells to increase passion. To restore lost memories, gaze at the periwinkle. One should never bring fewer than seven blossoms into the house.
Pine 1oz.
Pine is the ”tree of peace” of the Native American Iroquois confederacy. Burn pine to purify the home, and decorate with its branches to bring healing and joy.

Magickal Uses: Pine is a tree of peace and, being an evergreen, an herb of immortality. Its wood is used to make coffins, and its boughs are placed on graves to remind the living that life is eternal and death but a transition to a different reality. Burn the needles to bring harmony and healing to the bereaved.
Plantain 1oz.
Cuckoo’s Bread, Englishman’s Foot, The Leaf of Patrick, Patrick’s Dock, Ripple Grass, St. Patrick’s Leaf, Ribwort, Slan-lus, Snakebite, Snakeweed, Waybread, Wayboard, Weybroed (Anglo-Saxon), White Man’s Foot

Magickal Uses: A protective herb. A piece of it in your pocket will protect from snakebites. Hung in the car it prevents evil spirits from entering it. When bound to the head with red wool it cures headaches, and placed beneath the feet, weariness.
Poke Leaf 1oz.
Coakum, Cocan, Crowberry, Garget, Inkberry, Pigeon Berry, Pocan, Scoke, Virginian Poke
Crushing the berries makes a Magickal ink.

Magickal Uses: To break hexes and curses make an infusion and sprinkle around the home at the new Moon. May also be added to the bath water. Do not ingest. Carry it for courage. When you have lost an item, mix together poke, hydrangea, violet and galangal and sprinkle the mixture in the area where the item was last seen
Poke Root 1oz.
Coakum, Cocan, Crowberry, Garget, Inkberry, Pigeon Berry, Pocan, Pokeberry Root, Poke Root, Scoke, Virginian Poke
Crushing the berries makes a Magickal ink.

Magickal Uses: To break hexes and curses make an infusion and sprinkle around the home at the new Moon. May also be added to the bath water. Do not ingest. Carry it for courage. When you have lost an item, mix together poke, hydrangea, violet and galangal and sprinkle the mixture in the area where the item was last seen
Pomegranate seeds
Carthage Apple, Grenadier, Malicorio, Malum Punicum, and Pound Garnet
In the Greco-Roman world the pomegranate was synonymous with fertility. In ancient Egypt the fruit was consumed, and the flowers set in bouquets and garlands. The rind was used to dye leather yellow. In modern Iraq it is used for similar purposes, mixed with water. The juice may be used as a substitute for blood and as magickal ink.

Magickal Uses: This is considered a lucky magickal fruit that will grant wishes that are made before eating it. The seeds are linked to fertility. They are eaten to increase fertility and women may discern the number of children they will have by throwing one hard at the ground. The number of seeds that fall out is the number of children. The skin is also used for fertility by carrying it and when dried added to wealth and money incenses. The branch is also used for prosperity by discovering hidden wealth and attracting money. The branches are also hung over doorways to guard against evil.
.30 each
Poppy seed 1oz.
Blind Bluff, Blindeyes, Headaches, Head Waak
At one time, talismans used to draw wealth, contained gilded poppy seed heads.

Magickal Uses: The seeds of the poppy are added to food or carried in sachets to promote love. To gain the answer to a question, with blue ink, write it on a piece of white paper. Place the paper inside the seedpod and sleep with it beneath your pillow for the answer to come to you in your dreams. According to tradition, soaking the seeds in wine for fifteen days, and then drinking it for the next five days, while fasting, will make you invisible at will.
Primrose 1oz.
butter Rose, English Cowslip, Password

Magickal Uses: Growing in the garden, blue and red primroses attract fairies and protect it from all misfortunes. They are carried to attract love and worn to cure madness. To gain your child’s respect and loyalty, sew them into their pillows.
Purslane 1oz.
Garden Purslane, Golden Purslane, Pigweed
Crushing the berries makes a Magickal ink.

Magickal Uses: This is an herb of protection and happiness. When placed on the bed it keeps nightmares away. Carried it draws love and evil at bay. Soldiers have carried it in battle as protection. Around the home it brings happiness.

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