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M Herbs

Herbs also available in Bulk

Widdershin's Apothecary offers hundreds (around 400, check the Curio Page also) of herbs, woods, minerals and resins of high quality, for any magickal need for your own preparations, rites, or workings. All our botanicals are 100% natural and contain no chemicals. Herbs are either certified organic, organic, wild-crafted or grown locally. All items are sold by weight. Internet orders are packaged in convenient 1-ounce quantities in reusable zip lock Baggies.

We are always adding new items to our stock!
This list was updated April 2009

Mace 1oz.

Magickal Uses: : Include in incense to increase psychic power.
Magnolia Bark 1oz.
Blue Magnolia, Cucumber Tree, and Swamp Sassafras

Magickal Uses: To ensure faithfulness in a relationship, place magnolias near or beneath the bed.
Magnolia Fruit 1oz.
Blue Magnolia, Cucumber Tree, and Swamp Sassafras

Magickal Uses: To ensure faithfulness in a relationship, place magnolias near or beneath the bed.
Magnolia Leaves 1oz.
Blue Magnolia, Cucumber Tree, and Swamp Sassafras

Magickal Uses: To ensure faithfulness in a relationship, place magnolias near or beneath the bed.
Mandrake 1oz.
Alraun, Anthropomorphon, Baaras, Brain Thief, Circeium, Ciroea, Galgenmannchen, Gallows, Herb of Circe, Hexenmannchen, (German: Witche’s Mannikin), Ladykins, Mandragen, Mandragor, Mannikin, Raccoon Berry, Semihomo, Wild Lemon, Womandrake, Zauberwurzel (German; Sorcerer’s Root)

Magickal Uses: Mandrake is an herb of Mercury. It is said to protect against demonic possession (possibly because it was used by ancient herbalists to sedate manics). Old herbals recommend avoiding “contrary winds” while digging the root. The mandrake root is supposed to resemble the human form, male or female, and so has been used as a poppet. Due to the high cost of the root, other roots, such as ash root sand the root of the Bryony, or fruits (the apple and the American may-apple) have been used instead. Mandrake is placed in the mantle to bring prosperity, fertility and happiness to the home. It is worn to attract love and repel diseases. To activate a dried root, one must display it prominently in the home for three days, after which it is soaked in water overnight. The water can then be sprinkled on entryways, windows, and people to purify them. The root is now ready for magickal use. To prepare the root for exorcism rites, place the root in a vessel of water and expose it to one lunar cycle (new moon to full). Use it to asperge celebrants and altar. To be able to travel without being noticed, have four masses said over the root, and then carry it with you wrapped in black silk. Hung on the headboard for protection while sleeping. It is said that money placed beside a mandrake root (especially silver coins) will double. Mandrake was once held to be a cure for impotence and sterility. It was so respected as a magickal aid that the first being to touch the root was said to die. Consequently dogs were used to pull the root by enticing them with food after tying them to the herb. When the dog sprang for the food the root came out. Caution: Mandrake should not be taken internally for magickal workings!
Marjoram 1oz.
Joy of the Mountain, Knotted Marjoram, Majorlaine, Mountain Mint, Pot Marjoram, Sweet Marjoram, Wintersweet
Magickal Uses: Marjoram was an herb of happiness to the ancient Greeks, who placed it on graves to bring joy to the deceased. It is woven into bridal wreaths to bring joy to the marriage. It is used in love spells and added to your love’s food to strengthen the relationship. Grown in the garden, placed around the house or carried, it shields from evil energies. During the winter make an amulet of marjoram and violets to guard against colds. Use to treat depression and add to money sachets and mixtures.
Marshmallow 1oz.
Greek Name: Üëčáßá (=ěáëá÷ç Ţ Üăńéá)

Magickal Uses: Used in protection rites and as a psychic power stimulator by burning as incense or carrying in a sachet. It is known as a good “spirit-puller”, i.e. it brings good spirits in during rituals when placed on an altar.
May Apple Root 1oz.
American Mandrake, Duck’s Foot, Hog Apple, Mandrake, Racoon Berry, Wild Lemon
Although the may apple is not related to the true mandrake it is generally used as a substitute for the European mandrake, since its uses are almost identical.
Meadowsweet 1oz.
Bride of the Meadow, Bridewort, Dollor, Gravel Root, Lady of the Meadow, Little Queen, Meadwwort, Queen of the Meadow, Steeplebush, Trumpet Weed
Magickal Uses: According to Grieve, meadowsweet, water mint, and vervain were the three most sacred herbs of the Druids. An herb of Jupiter, meadowsweet is used in love spells. It is strewn to promote peace, and its scent cheers the heart. Meadowsweet should be included in the bridal bouquet, for who is “Bride” but Brighid, patroness of Druids and Bards. Use it for love, either dried in various mixtures or fresh on the altar. It brings peace to the home and cheers the heart. To gain knowledge about a theft, gather meadowsweet at the Summer Solstice. Place it on water and see if it floats or sinks. If it floats it is a woman, if it sinks, it is a man that is the thief.
Milk Thistle 1oz.

Magickal Uses: use it specifically for healing, protection, and purification.
Mimosa 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Use in purifying spells by scattering around the area you are working in. Bath with mimosa (or sponge an infusion on yourself) to destroy hexes and curses now and in the future. Use in love and healing spells. For prophetic dreams, place mimosa underneath your pillow.
Mistletoe berries 1oz.
All Heal, Birdlime, Devil’s Fuge, Donnerbesen, Eye of Newt, Golden Bough, Holy Wood, Lignam sanctae cruces, Witches Broom, Wood of the Cross

These are extremely Poisionous!
Mistletoe, medicinal 1oz.
All Heal, Birdlime, Devil’s Fuge, Donnerbesen, Golden Bough, Holy Wood, Lignam sanctae cruces, Witches Broom, Wood of the Cross

Herbal Uses: Mistletoe is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and Sulphur. Its proteins, polysaccharides, and fat substances are strongly tumor inhibiting. Tumor inhibiting bacteria have also been found in the plant. Mistletoe seems to increase killer cells (a type of immune cell), increase cell-mediated cytotoxic activities, and augment levels of granular lymphocytes. Many nervous conditions such as convulsions, delirium, hysteria, neuralgia, urinary disorders, and heart conditions have benefited from the activity of mistletoe. It has also been used to temper the spasms of epilepsy. Mistletoe strengthens the heart and has been used as a heart tonic in cases of typhoid fever. It strengthens the glandular system and has helped with inflammation of the pancreas. It promotes hormonal balance when taken daily for six months. It is recommended for use after a stroke or when hardening of the arteries is suspected. It will stop pulmonary and intestinal bleeding caused by dysentery and typhoid. It helps to lower high blood pressure and to raise low blood pressure, and it has been used to ease heavy menstrual flow, heart palpitations, hot flashes, and the anxiety associated with menopause. The fresh juice has been said to increase fertility in barren women.

Anthroposophical medicine has produced a remedy, Iscador, which is available from anthroposophical physicians and pharmacies. Otherwise, one can take the dried leaf powdered, or in a tea, or as an alcohol tincture. The green plant can be simmered using a standard concoction of two teaspoons of the herb per cup of water and taken in tablespoon doses several times a day. Caution: The berries should not be used for internal consumption! They are used in salves and washes for wounds. Two ounces of the leave and twigs can be juiced, added to a half pint of water, and taken in tablespoon doses twice a day.

Caution: Large doses have been known to induce convulsions in children—a clear revelation of its homeopathic nature. Homeopathic medicines are based on the observation that similia similibu curentur, or “like cures like.” A substance that is capable of producing symptoms in a healthy individual will tend to eliminate those symptoms in someone who is ill.

Mistletoes seems to hold itself aloof from the rhythms and laws of the earthly seasons, and in this way parallels the illogical and uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells in the body. As early as 1961, laboratory studies demonstrated that mistletoe, along with other immunostimulant plants (such as eupatorium, astragalus, echinacea, acanthopanax, chamomilla, and sabal), inhibited tumors in mice. Fermented mistletoe taken from oak trees (Iscador quercus) was shown to stimulate the activity of killer cells and showed an especially strong effect on rat hepatomas (liver cancers). Unfermented mistletoe showed a strong effect on human leukemia (Molt 4) cells. Korean mistletoe (Viscum coloratum) was found to be more active in inhibiting the growth of leukemia L1210, especially when used fresh. Mistletoe extracts have been shown to possess significant antitumor activity, not only against murine tumors but also in cases of Lewis’ lung carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma 38, and C3H adenocarcinomas of the breast. The extracts are not toxic and may be administered in high doses. Twenty drops four times a day is the average dose.
Mistletoe, Sacred 1oz.
All Heal, Birdlime, Devil’s Fuge, Donnerbesen, Golden Bough, Holy Wood, Lignam sanctae cruces, Witches Broom, Wood of the Cross
A most revered herb of the Druids, especially the Oak mistletoe. Cut it either on the Summer Solstice day, or on the sixth day of the Moon. It is preferred to use one stroke from a golden sickle (brass, bone or a gold plated knife will work) and taking care to not let it touch the ground. Two white oxen were usually sacrificed for the harvest. If the Druids failed to have visions of the plant for a long time or if it fell to earth for any reason, it was considered a bad omen. Next to the oak tree, mistletoe is probably the plant most often associated with Druids. According to Pliny, the Druid priest or priestess would wear white to gather the herb. Viscum album grows from northern Europe to northwest Africa and east to Asia and Japan. Different varieties are found on hardwood and softwood trees, which include apple (the most common), elm, oak, spruce, pine, and popular. Druids consider that the mistletoe found on oak as the most potent and sacred.

The berries ripen in midwinter and have a further peculiarity in that the ripe berries, open flowers, green berries, and immature leaves can al be found on the same plant. Mistletoe does not adhere to the linear logic of most plants, with their budding, flowering, and seed production sequence. It also seems to ignore heliotropism and geotropism—it will grow upside down, sideways, or in any direction it “chooses.” Another unique feature is that it germinates only in the light, unlike most plants, which require darkness to germinate. The flower buds form in May but do not open until February. The berries ripen the following winter. The entire process, from flower to fruit, can take almost two years. Even its name mistl (different) tan (twig) (from the Anglo-Saxon) reminds us of its peculiarities.

Magickal Uses: Not quite herb, not quite tree, beyond the limitations of classification, freed from the restrictions of convention, and resembling a constellation of stars suspended in midair from the bough of a sacred tree—such is the “spirit” of this plant. It belongs to the in-between times of dusk and dawn, or the exact interval between two seasons. It is a gateway to something “other”.

In Italy, there is an old tale of a radiantly beautiful fairy who appeared to a certain knight with the image of the crescent moon and the Holy Grail at her feet. In her hands she held a sprig of mistletoe. She told the knight that the mistletoe was what kept her eternally young and beautiful.

In the Edda of Scandinavia, a legend is recounted of Baldur—the “shining” god, who was troubled by dreams of his impending death. Frigga, the mother of the Gods, then asked all living beings to swear an oath not to kill him. However, she forgot the mistletoe. Loki, one of the old Gods and by tradition a troublemaker, tried to sabotage Frigga’s efforts. He put a sprig of mistletoe into the hands of Hodur, who was blind, at a time when the Gods were making a game of throwing things at Baldur because it seemed that nothing could harm him. When Hodur hurled the mistletoe twig, Baldur was killed. The earth was plunged into mourning, as Baldur was the god who had given insight into the beauty of the shining spiritual world. At the death of Baldur the world sank into spiritual darkness, a “dark winter of the soul.” Eventually through the entreaties of all the Goddess and Gods, Baldur was returned to life, and the light of the spiritual sun shone on earth once again. Mistletoe was given into the keeping of the Goddess of love, and ever after people were enjoined to kiss under its branches to stay in love with each other.

Mistletoe is carried as an herb of protection or placed where needed. Hung over a cradle it prevents the theft of a child by fairies and replaced with a changeling. Amulets and jewelry can be made of its wood as talismans of protection and to speed healing. It will aid in hunting and in conception. Hang it in the bedroom to bring beautiful dreams and to unlock, through the dreams, the secrets of immortality. Add a few berries to the ritual cup at a handfasting, and hang it in the home to bring the blessings of the Goddess of love. Caution: Never handle mistletoe where children might swallow fallen berries or leaves. Mistletoe is an excellent all purpose magickal herb. Its wood is a good choice for wands and ritual implements. Place it around a “Hand of Glory,” a candle shaped like a hand that is burned to ward off thieves. According to Virgil, Aeneas could go down to Tartarus only when he carried a sprig of mistletoe in his hand as protection. Mistletoe is reputed to protect the bearer from werewolves. Burned it banishes evil. Mistletoe belongs to the sun and to Jupiter.
Morning Glory 1oz.
Magickal Uses: The root may be used as a substitute for the herb High John the Conqueror root. Blue morning glories grown in the garden bring peace, happiness and joy to your home. To banish nightmares, place the seeds beneath your pillow.
Motherwort 1oz.

A traditional female tonic used from puberty to menopause, especially valuable for female weakness and disorders. Helps to calm the entire nervous system, and an old remedy for strengthening the heart.
Mugwort 1oz.
Artemis Herb, Artemisia, Felon Herb, Muggons, Naughty Man, Old Man, Old Uncle Henry, Sailor’s Tobacco, St. John’s Plant

Magickal Uses: Mugwort is said to protect travelers from fatigue, sunstroke, wild animals, and evil spirits. A crown of it is worn at Midsummer. In the home, it prevents elves and ‘evil thynges’ from entering. A tea or a pillow of it brings vivid prophetic dreams and helps one to contact the astral realm. Keeping it next to the bed helps in astral projection. Use the tea (sweetened with honey) and incense (along with sandalwood or wormwood) to help in scrying. Use it as an infusion to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls. Placing Mugwort leaves around or underneath will also help. Mugwort is carried to increase lust and fertility, prevent backache, to cure disease and madness. In the shoes it promotes strength and endurance for long walks or runs. Pick it at sunrise and recite:
Tollam te artemesia, ne lassus sim in via.
Mullein 1oz.
Aaron’s Rod, Blanket Leaf, Candlewick Plant, Clot, Doffle, Feltwort, Flannel Plant, Graveyard Dust, Hag’s Tapers, Hedge Taper, Jupiter’s Staff, Lady’s Foxglove, Old Man’s Fennel, Peter’s Staff, Shepherd’s Club, Shepherd’s Herb, Torches, Velvetback, Velvet Plant
Known as “hag’s tapers,” the old stems of mullein were once soaked in fat or wax and used as torches. In ancient grimoires the powdered leaf is a substitute for graveyard dust.

Magickal Uses: To banish nightmares make a pillow stuffed with mullein, or place some under your pillow. Mullein is used to bring courage and prevent one from catching cold. It is carried as protection from wild animals and to gain the love of the opposite sex. Ozark men use it to know if he is loved by his heart’s desire. He will find a clearing where it grows wild; bend it down pointing in the direction that she lives. If she loves him, the mullein will continue growing, if not, it will die. In India, it is used to banish demons and negativity from the home by burning as incense. Hung over the door, carried as a sachet or placed in the window, it guards against magick and evil spirits.
Mustard, Black 1oz.

Magickal Uses: To increase a woman’s fertility, have her eat mustard seeds. Carry the seeds in a red sachet to prevent colds and increase psychic power. In Italy they are sprinkled on the doorstep for protection. Buried underneath the doorstep, they will prevent all supernatural entities from entering.
Mustard, white 1oz.

Magickal Uses: To increase a woman’s fertility, have her eat mustard seeds. Carry the seeds in a red sachet to prevent colds and increase psychic power. In Italy they are sprinkled on the doorstep for protection. Buried underneath the doorstep, they will prevent all supernatural entities from entering.
Myrrh 1oz.
Gum Myrrh Tree, Karan, and Mirra Balsom Odendron
In ancient Egypt, myrrh was burned at noon as an offering to Ra, and the temples of Isis were also fumigated with myrrh. It was also, at one time, used in their embalming mixtures.

Magickal Uses: Myrrh is a Goddess plant of the Moon’s sphere, sacred to Isis. Burned, it purifies, increases vibrations and brings peace, healing, consecration and blessings. It also increases any other incense it is burned with. It is traditionally burned with frankincense or other resins. Add it to healing sachets to increase their power. Use as an aid for meditation and thought.

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