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H Herbs

Herbs also available in Bulk

Widdershin's Apothecary offers hundreds (around 400, check the Curio Page also) of herbs, woods, minerals and resins of high quality, for any magickal need for your own preparations, rites, or workings. All our botanicals are 100% natural and contain no chemicals. Herbs are either certified organic, organic, wild-crafted or grown locally. All items are sold by weight. Internet orders are packaged in convenient 1-ounce quantities in reusable zip lock Baggies.

We are always adding new items to our stock!
This list was updated April 2009

Hawthorn Leaf & Flower 1oz.
Bread and Cheese Tree, Gaxels, Hagthorn, Halves, Haw, Hazels, Huath, Ladies’ Meat, May, Mayblossom, May Bush, Mayflower, Quick, Thorn, Tree of Chastity
On Beltane, young women wash their faces with the dew of the hawthorn blossoms while petitioning the God or Goddess to give them beauty. The blossoms were also used to decorate the May pole if the tree itself was not used. At one time it was believed that the trees were actually witches.

Magickal Uses: : Hawthorn is the classic flower to decorate a maypole. An herb of fertility, it finds its place in weddings, May Day decorations, and ritual groves. Beltane was once reckoned as the day the hawthorn first bloomed. Conversely the leaves may be place under the mattress to ensure chastity or celibacy. When carried it ensures good fishing and promotes happiness in those who are depressed or sad. It will protect the home from lightning, storms and evil ghosts. Hawthorn is part of the fairy tree triad of Britain (Oak, Ash and Thorn), making it sacred to fairies. Where all three are found growing together it is believed that fairies may be found.
Hawthorn berries 1oz.
Bread and Cheese Tree, Gaxels, Hagthorn, Halves, Haw, Hazels, Huath, Ladies’ Meat, May, Mayblossom, May Bush, Mayflower, Quick, Thorn, Tree of Chastity

Magickal Uses: Hawthorn berries are used for protective magick, they will even help "protect" your lover from another "admirer".
Hazelnut 1oz.
Magickal Uses: Hazel is an ancient Celtic tree of wisdom, inspiration and poetry. Diancecht, the god of healing, invented a porridge that would cure colds, sore throats, and worms. According to legend, it consisted of hazel bubs, dandelions, chickweed, sorrel, and oatmeal. It was to be taken in the mornings and evenings. The nuts are strung and hung in the house for good luck. Give this to a bride to wish her luck in her home. The nuts are often eaten for wisdom and fertility especially before divination. Hazel crowns have been used for granting wishes and invisibility. To protect your home from lightning place the twigs in the window frames, driving three pins of hazel wood into your home will protect it from fire. Forked hazel branches are used by dowsers and hazel in general make fine all-purpose wands.
1.05 each
Heal-all 1oz.
Self-Heal, Heart-of-the-Earth

Magickal Uses: Druids gather self-heal in a manner similar to that used for vervain (Verbena officinalis). It is picked when the Dog Star is rising, at night, during the dark of the moon. It is dug up by the roots with a golden sickle and then held aloft in the left hand. After prayers of thanksgiving are said, the flowers, leaves, and stalks are separated for drying. Place self-heal on the altar when working a healing magick operation. And be sure to leave a gift for the Earth to compensate for her loss when you pick this precious herb. Self-heal is an herb of Venus.
Heliotrope 1oz.
Cherry Pie, Turnsole

Magickal Uses: Heliotrope induces prophetic dreams when placed beneath the pillow. Use in exorcism incenses and mixtures or healing sachets. To increase your prosperity place in your pocket or purse or ring green candles with it and burn down to the socket. For invisibility, wear or carry a small horn filled with heliotrope. Your actions and movements will not draw attention
Hemlock (Diluted) 1oz.
Beaver Poison, Herb Bennet, Keckies, Kex, Musquash Root, Poison Hemlock, Poison Parsley, Spotted Corobane, Spotted Hemlock, Water Parsley
Once used to induce astral projections and to destroy sexual drives.
Magickal Uses: Rub (be sure to protect your hands) onto magickal knives and swords to empower and purify them before use.
Henbane (Diluted) 1oz.
Black Nightshade, Cassilago, Cassilata, Deus Caballinus, Devil’s Eye, Hebenon, Henbells, Hogsbean, Isana, Jupiter’s Bean, Jusquiame (French), Poison Tobacco, Symphonica
Magickal Uses: Henbane is still used sometimes as a love-bringing herb. To bring love, a man should gather henbane naked, early in the morning, while standing on one foot. Worn it will bring love. When burned outdoors it brings rain but due to the poisonous fumes this would cause it is best to substitute fern for this operation.
Henna (Natural) 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Place on the forehead to relieve headaches. To attract love wear near the heart, also when carried it protects from illness and the evil eye.
Henna (Red) 1oz.

Magickal Uses:Place on the forehead to relieve headaches. To attract love wear near the heart, also when carried it protects from illness and the evil eye.
Hibiscus Flowers 1oz.
Kharkady (Arabic)
Magickal Uses: In Egypt, women are forbidden to drink the tea made from red hibiscus because of its lust inducing powers. The blossoms are used in love incenses and sachets and in the tropics; the blossoms are placed in wreaths in marriage ceremonies. The Dobu of the Western Pacific place the blossoms in wooden scrying bowls.
Holy Basil 1oz.
Sacred Basil, Tulsi
Planted around the temples in India and revered by Hindus. Used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat low libido and negativity. Slightly clove scented.
Holly Berries 1oz.
Aquifolius, Bat’s Wings, Christ’s Thorn, Holy Tree, Holm Chaste, Hulm, Hulver Bush, Tinne
Magickal Uses: Holly, with its warrior-like bristles, is known as an herb or protection. Holly guards against lightning, poison and evil spirits. Grown around the home it protects from mischievous sorcerers. Throw at wild animals to cause them to quietly lie down and leave you alone. “Holly water” (water in which holly has been soaked, especially if left under a full moon overnight) is sprinkled on newborns to protect them and keep them happy. Carried by a man, it promotes good luck (holly is a ‘male’ plant, use Ivy for this for women) and hang in the home at Yule for luck. On a Friday, after midnight and in total silence, gather nine holly leaves from a non-spiny plant. Wrap in a white cloth using nine knots to tie the ends together. Place beneath your pillow to make your dreams come true. Holly is one of the evergreens brought into the home by Druids. It symbolizes a willingness to allow the nature spirits to share one’s abode during the harsh, cold season.
Wing of Bat 1oz.
Aquifolius, Bat’s Wings, Christ’s Thorn, Holy Tree, Holm Chaste, Hulm, Hulver Bush, Tinne
The leaf is dried and used as a tea for fevers, bronchitis, bladder problems, and gout. This is the familiar holly of Christmas decorations.
Magickal Uses: Holly, with its warrior-like bristles, is known as an herb or protection. Holly guards against lightning, poison and evil spirits. Grown around the home it protects from mischievous sorcerers. Throw at wild animals to cause them to quietly lie down and leave you alone. “Holly water” (water in which holly has been soaked, especially if left under a full moon overnight) is sprinkled on newborns to protect them and keep them happy. Carried by a man, it promotes good luck (holly is a ‘male’ plant, use Ivy for this for women) and hang in the home at Yule for luck. On a Friday, after midnight and in total silence, gather nine holly leaves from a non-spiny plant. Wrap in a white cloth using nine knots to tie the ends together. Place beneath your pillow to make your dreams come true. Holly is one of the evergreens brought into the home by Druids. It symbolizes a willingness to allow the nature spirits to share one’s abode during the harsh, cold season.
Honeysuckle 1oz.
Dutch Honeysuckle, Goat’s Leaf, and Woodbine

Magickal Uses: Honeysuckle in the home draws prosperity. Rub lightly crushed flowers on the forehead to heighten psychic power. Growing the plant in your yard will bring good luck; over the door it keeps fevers from the occupants.
Honeysuckle Blossoms 1oz.
Dutch Honeysuckle, Goat’s Leaf, and Woodbine

Magickal Uses: Honeysuckle in the home draws prosperity. Rub lightly crushed flowers on the forehead to heighten psychic power. Growing the plant in your yard will bring good luck; over the door it keeps fevers from the occupants.
Hops 1oz.
Beer Flower, Flores de Cerveza

Magickal Uses: Stuff a pillow with dried hops for a restful sleep. Also use hops in incenses and sachets for healing.
Horehound 1oz.
Bull’s Blood, Eye of the Star, Haran, Hoarhound, Huran, Llwyd y cwn (Welsh), Marrubium, Maruil, Seed of Horus, Soldier’s Tea, White Horehound
Remember those awful horehound cough drops you were given as a child? Well, here’s the culprit. A potent expectorant, it was first introduced as a cough remedy in ancient Egypt. It is thought to be one of the bitter herbs of Passover.

Magickal Uses: Use in protective sachets and carry to guard against sorcery and fascination. It is also an exorcism herb. Drinking an infusion of the herb will clear the mind, promote quick thinking and strengthen the mental powers. Mix with the leaves of ash in a bowl of water for the healing properties and keep in the sick room.
Horny Goat Weed Powder 1oz.
Epimedium, Rowdy Lamb Herb, Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat, Fairy Wings, Yin Yang Huo

A strong aphrodisiac - need we say more?
Horseradish Root 1oz.

Magickal Uses: Dried and grated or ground root should be sprinkled around the home to make all evil powers leave and diffuse any spells cast against you.
Horsetail Reeds each
Bottle Brush, Dutch Rushes, Paddock Pipes, Pewterwort, and Shave-Grass

Magickal Uses: Use horsetail in fertility mixtures and keep in the bedroom. When a whistle is made from the stems they are used to call snakes.
1.38 each
Houseleek 1oz.
Hen and Chickens, Sengren, Welcome-Home-Husband-Though-Never-So-Drunk, Welcome-Home-Husband-Though-Never-So-Late

Magickal Uses: Brings good luck and protection from lightning when grown on the roof. Wear as a love bouquet to attract love, refresh every few days.
Hydrangea Flowers 1oz.
Seven Barks

Magickal Uses: The bark is carried, scattered around the house or burned to break hexes.
Hydrangea Root 1oz.
Seven Barks

Magickal Uses: The root is carried, scattered around the house or burned to break hexes and bring prosperity.
Hyssop 1oz.
Hyssop Herb, Isopo, Ysopo, Yssop
A very old and traditional English herb with a refreshing aromatic scent. It has a slightly bitter sage-mint flavor. The lovely purple flowers are excellent for attracting bees and butterflies. Hyssopus is the name used by Hippocrates, derived from the Hebrew ezob, “holy herb.” This is not the hyssop of the Bible, which is believed to be oregano. Hyssop was a holy herb of the ancient Greeks, used to cleanse sacred spaces.

Magickal Uses: The most widely used purification herb in magick. Added to baths by sachet, infused and sprinkled or hung in the home to cleanse and rid it of evil and negativity. Hyssop can be burned as incense or added to the chalice. Use a bunch to ritually “sweep” the altar as a preparation for a ceremonial rite.

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