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D Herbs

Herbs also available in Bulk

Widdershin's Apothecary offers hundreds (around 400, check the Curio Page also) of herbs, woods, minerals and resins of high quality, for any magickal need for your own preparations, rites, or workings. All our botanicals are 100% natural and contain no chemicals. Herbs are either certified organic, organic, wild-crafted or grown locally. All items are sold by weight. Internet orders are packaged in convenient 1-ounce quantities in reusable zip lock Baggies.

We are always adding new items to our stock!
This list was updated April 2009

Daffodil 1oz.
Asphodel, Daffy-Down-Dilly, Fleur de Coucou, Goose Leek, Lent-Lily, Narcissus, Porillon

Magickal Uses:Wear or carry near the heart for love and good luck. Place on the altar during love spells. Place the fresh flowers in the bedroom to increase fertility.
Daisy 1oz.
Bairnwort, Bruisewort, Eyes, Field Daisy, Llygady Dydd (Welsh: Eye of the Day), Maudlinwort, Moon Daisy
An Old Wife’s Tale is that whoever picks the first daisy of the season, will be possessed of ‘a spirit of coquetry’ beyond any control.

Magickal Uses: Known as “bairnwort” in Scotland because children use it to make daisy chains; daisy is an appropriate herb to decorate the cradle and the altar. The daisy brings love when worn. Sleeping with the root beneath your pillow may cause an absent love to return. Use daisy flower petals in magickal potpourris for spells regarding: humor, survival. Daisy flowers are appropriate for use in love spells. Daisy (as an herb) may be used in as an ingredient or substitute for magick spells and formulas related to Venus matters (beauty, compassion, fidelity, friendship, happiness, interchanges, joy, love, luck, meditation, pleasure, reconciliation, and youth).
Damiana 1oz.
Mexican Damiana

Magickal Uses: Use in lust infusions and spells. It is especially potent when carried in something red. It may also be burned to produce visions.
Dandelion Leaf 1oz.
Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion’s Tooth, Piss-a-Bed, Priest’s Crown, Puffball, Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild Endive
To know how many years you will live, blow the seeds off the head of a dandelion. As many seeds as are left will be the number of years. To tell the time, blow at the seed head three times. The number of seeds left is the hour. Dandelion belongs to the Belenountion: Herbs associated with the Celtic Deity Belenos. These are yellow plants that are ritually gathered at midsummer in Brittany. They are said to form the body of the God.

Magickal Uses: To promote psychic powers make a tea of the root by drying, roasting and grind (like coffee). The tea, when steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits. Blow the seeds off the head in the direction of your loved one, while concentrating on a message. Buried Dandelion in the northwest corner of the house will bring favorable winds. Simple garden magic: pick a “puff ball’ on the night of a full moon, call in the sacred directions, and blow your wish to the winds.
Dandelion Root 1oz.
Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion’s Tooth, Piss-a-Bed, Priest’s Crown, Puffball, Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild Endive
To know how many years you will live, blow the seeds off the head of a dandelion. As many seeds as are left will be the number of years. To tell the time, blow at the seed head three times. The number of seeds left is the hour. Dandelion belongs to the Belenountion: Herbs associated with the Celtic Deity Belenos. These are yellow plants that are ritually gathered at midsummer in Brittany. They are said to form the body of the God.

Magickal Uses:To promote psychic powers make a tea of the root by drying, roasting and grind (like coffee). The tea, when steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits. Blow the seeds off the head in the direction of your loved one, while concentrating on a message. Buried Dandelion in the northwest corner of the house will bring favorable winds. Simple garden magic: pick a “puff ball’ on the night of a full moon, call in the sacred directions, and blow your wish to the winds.
Devils Claw Root 1oz.
Magickal Uses: Used in spells relating to exorcism, love, protection and lust. A powerful exorcism and purification herb. Burn on a charcoal disk to cleanse your house of negativity, or when casting a Magick Circle to clear any residual energy and create a pure space for your Magickal work.

It is highly recommended to burn when moving into a different home, apartment or business to remove the energy of the previous occupants.
Devils Shoestring 1oz.
This herb wards off evil when worn as a necklace, and protects against accidental poisoning. Gamblers carry it as a good luck charm.
Magickal Uses: Cut the root into small pieces and place in a jar of whiskey and spirits of camphor. When any type of power is needed, remove a piece and rub your hands with it. Then place the piece in the appropriate method, such as in the wallet or near money to attract money. A piece carried in the pocket when looking for a job (or if having difficulty at work) will help you get hired or smooth the situation. Also carry when requesting a pay raise.
Dill Seed 1oz.
Aneton, Dill Weed, Dilly, Garden Dill
Magickal Uses: When carried in sachets or hung by the door it brings protection. Placed over the door, no one with malicious or envious intent toward you can enter. Place in the baby’s cradle for protection. Use in money spells. Add to the bath make become irresistible. When eaten or smelled it stimulates lust.
Dill Weed 1oz.
Botanically known as Anethum graveolens, dill weed is a member of the parsley family. It is native to the eastern Mediterranean region and western Asia. The word dill comes from the old Norse word dylla, meaning to soothe or lull. It dates back in writing to about 3000 B.C., where it was mentioned in Egyptian medical texts.
Magickal Uses: When carried in sachets or hung by the door it brings protection. Placed over the door, no one with malicious or envious intent toward you can enter. Place in the baby’s cradle for protection. Use in money spells. Add to the bath make become irresistible. When eaten or smelled it stimulates lust.
Dittany of Crete 1oz.
Diktamo, Eronda
Magickal Uses: This herb is excellent for manifestations of spirits when burned as incense. The manifestations will appear in the smoke rising from the censer. Mixed with equal parts of vanilla, benzoin and sandalwood it aides in astral projection as incense. The juice from it is said to drive away venomous “beasts”.
Dog Grass Root 1oz.
Witch-grass, Twitch-grass, Scotch Quelch, Quick-grass, Couch-grass.
Magickal Uses:
Dong Quai Root 1oz.
Holy Ghost Root, Archangel Root
Magickal Uses: Scatter the leaves to purify an area. Use in the ritual challis and bath. Add to incense for protection and exorcism. Some American Indian tribes carried a talisman of this root for luck in gambling. It is sometimes added to herbal “tobacco” formals (it is said to cause visions).
Dragon's Blood Resin 1oz.
Blood, Blume, Calamus Draco, Draconis Resina, Sanguis Draconis, Dragon’s Blood Palm

Magickal Uses: When a woman is sitting near an open window at night and burns the resin as incense it persuades an errant lovers return. The resin is also a powerful protectant when carried, sprinkled in the home or used as incense. It drives negativity and evil away. Add it to other incenses to increase their potency. To cure impotency, place a stick under the pillow or mattress. Mix powdered dragon’s blood, sugar and salt, and then place in a bottle. Cover tightly and hide it in your home where it won’t be discovered. This will bring peace and quite to your home.

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