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Days of Yesteryear

~The Book Of Memory~

Turn me loose and let me be
Young once more and fancy free;
Let me wonder where I will,
Down the lane and up the hill.
In an age that knows no "must,"
And no voice insistently
Speaks of duty unto me;
Let me tread the happy ways
Of those by-gone yesterdays....

Age has stamped me as its own;
Youth to younger hearts has flown;
Still the cherry blossoms blow
In the land I used to know;
Still the fragrant clover spills
Perfume over dales and hills,
But I'm not allowed to stray
Where the young are free to play;
All the years will grant to me
Is the book of memory.
Edgar A. Guest

Welcome to "Days of Yesteryear." On these pages you will find stories about a family living in a rural area of America's midwest during the early 1900's. They are told by the author as she remembered events that happened during a seven or eight year period of her young life before her dear Mamma passed away in 1917.
Fortunately her memory was excellent as she portrayed life as she lived it "down on the farm." Sit back and enjoy these accounts about a counrty store, the arrival of the automobile, her grandmother's garden, harvest time, beekeeping, holidays and much more. Enjoy!

The author, Louise, was born in rural Wisconsin in 1903. Hers was a close knit family with many relatives living within a six mile radius of their farm home. She was loved dearly by them all. After the death of her mother, members of her family helped raise her to adulthood. Her wonderful Papa made sure she was able to attend high school, something few rural children had the opportunity to do. She was an accomplished artist. In the late 1970's she decided to attend college and took courses in creative writing. Her stories have been published in the National Genealogical Inquirer and Exclusively Yours. Louise was truly a talented and wonderful person.

Copyright 2003 By Angel Reflections
All Rights Reserved

A Wealth of Warmth And Love - The "Majestic Wood Stove"

An Immortal Experince - Picking Morels in 1910

Bins Boxes And Barrels - The "Old Country Store"

So Long Old Dobbin - The Arrival of the Automobile

Nature's Golden Harvest - Beekeeping in Wisconsin

Bringing In The Sheaves - The Threshers Harvest the Grain

Inside The Picket Fence - Grandmother's Wonderful Garden

Hidden Treasure - Discovering Family Treasures and History

Stocking Up The Larder - Food Preservation in Years Past

Saturday - Saturday Baking at Grandmother's House

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