HOW TO BE A windowlicker

There are two ways to become a window licker. The first way is to be disabled, but that's not what this site is all about. The type of window licker we like are people who can be windowlickers who have nothing wrong with them. People, for example, like Peter Higham. This takes a special quality. Here are five easy steps to become a windowlicker just like the four of us.
This is an easy way to show everyone just how wierd you are, but also to get across your window lickingly dumb ideas

2.Go round yelling retarded things
Things like "Higham 4 England" "Howarth 4 Prison" "Let's Nosh" and "It's window lickin' good" are the most effective, but most ridiculous/dumb/idiotic things will work

3.Have a bunch of retarded goons/friends hanging round at all times
this shows that you're not a lone retard. WindowLickers hunt in packs

4.Repeat all he previous steps over and over and over
This is the sign of a true windowlicker. It proves: a) that you are totally stupid, b) that you can't count, and c) that you never give up in the cause of true retardedness.

5.Be Yourself
This, of course, to your window licking slf, will mean always takingthe piss, never doing anything that makes any sense AT ALL, never doing anyhting worthwhile with yor life, and allways, allways, allways...doing the stupidest thing posible!

Now I know I said there were two ways to be a windowlicker, but there is a third, which is simply to lick windows!!! this also happens to tie in with rule is totally retarded, but it is a surefire way in itself to be a windowlicker. Enjoy!