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You've reached a Whiskey Prophet "Jumpsite."

Greetings Brothers and Sisters...
The Prophet welcomes those of you who may be new,
and welcomes back those of you who are aware already.
This page (at present) happens to be Google's top hit when you search
for "Whiskey Prophet."

Since I'm not fond of "Force-Feeding" visitors with music
the very instant they hit your page..
You can stream some WP samples without having to download them here
(Clicking this link will open a new window) so you can continue
veiwing this page also.
Actually, it is only (one of the many) WHISKEY PROPHET
Webpages.. That is, of the WP's making. It seems, there are
growing numbers of pages which refer to Whiskey Prophet
Music Online. (mp3's) 
And all from lowly 64 kbps files. This has been revised
for all you WP fans who want better quality.

Perhaps you were invited here, or just stumbled in..
In the former case, we welcome you who are

~the Prophet's Accepted~

As some may have noticed, the "old site" went offline..
Don't be too concerned. We've been the original
"Whiskey Prophet" all along. Since the name was
coined back in '94.

Type in "Whiskey Prophet" or "Bad Rat Messiah"
(any search engine.) You can find the real thing.

Yep. That's it. Accept No Cheap Imitations! 

Those who've known us all along know the real thing.
You can no longer find us at Sadly, it seems
they have vanished.

Not to worry. Plenty 'o places to get WP mp3's..
If you'd like to skip all this blather and get
to the WP page with links to the mp3 files,

Happy Downloading. ~Spread the Gospel of the Prophet~

Click here..
However friends, WP is always in the midst
of some new beginning/work/campaign/project..

There's been some seriously inane things going on 
for quite some time (in the music biz.) But we've
been hip to the "cool-hunters" all along. 

If you know us, then you know what we're talking about.
(Maybe.) If you don't, then (one way or another) perhaps
you'll know soon.

Once again, our senses are assaulted by the smell of
that DEAD COW being milked..

"Consultants" crunching numbers, pandering to teens,
"Mooks" and "Midriffs.." maybe they'll take to
sniffing garbage soon.

Hey kids- you know that creepy guy who seems a little
too interested in everything everyone is "into?"
Well, he might be some young looking 24 year old
corporate "consultant" gathering information.

They wanna know everything.
Such as; What kind of shoes you wear. The pop you drink.
(Yes) even the cigs you smoke. All the new "phrases"
and all the latest "slang" words you're using.

Ya creeped out yet?

Oh Well. Our music is beyond the T.V Edyoo-ma-cated.
(Like we give a sh!t.)

Here are some mp3 samples. This is completely live music.
There's no pre or post production, just sample versions
of W.P. Live.

They're not full length samples, but otherwise this
is exactly what you can always expect to hear.

(From W.P. Live in any of it's forms..)
Those who have seen Live Prophet Music know this. 

"Whiskey Prophet" MP3..

"Something I said" MP3..

Get started with (8) 128 kbps MP3's of the Prophet.

Rock 'n Rye..