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Stop LFAS Worldwide Network
 Unique Strandings

 An Inventory of Unfortunate Circumstances and Curiosities Concerning Cetacean Strandings Which May Represent Acoustic Influences in the Underwater Environment, possibly from Low Frequency Active Sonar.

This is not complete.  The dates need to be systemized so that the table will read in chronological order.  Some of the incidents were explained since first reported and other stranding incidents have been discovered. Please log-in to see StopLFAS Messages posted to:

1997  California Coast  Gray Whales    See comments in StopLFAS Msg#2832 by Bobbie Sandoz regarding Gray Whale Testing and escalating deaths along mirgration route in years successive to LFA sonar research. 
1998  Hawai'i  whale/dolphin  3/1  Found abandonned or dead after tests immediately after US Navy's Phase III SRP for SURTASS LFA - See StopLFAS Msg #2832 
2000  Madeira  Beaked Whales  several  NATO military maneuvers - stoplfas/message/5082 
2000  Galapagos  Beaked Whales (Ziphius)  3 or 4  Airgun Testing - Same seizmic ship 
2000 Summer  Caspian Sea  Caspian Sea Seals  10,000   Coincidental to seizmic testing and oil drilling, disease hits the population devasting it with canine distemper virus which is not species specific 
2001 Summer  Puget Sound  Whales    Beachings related whales stranding with blood in their ears see StopLFAS Msg#2832 - A Discovery Channel documentary 
1985, 1988, and 1991  Canary Islands  Whales  24  3 occasions - See StopLFAS msg#2832 - linked to visible US Navy maneuvers. Simmonds, M.P. and L.F. Lopez-Jurado, 1991. Whales and the military. Nature, 351: pg 448. 
2001 Summer / April 20, 2002  Florida Coast  Various    Between 20 percent and 35 percent of whales found dead show signs of having been struck by ships - stoplfas/message/3837 - See comments "apparently deaf whales collided with ships" related to sonar activities/shock trials off Florida Coast - StopLFAS Msg#2832 - Also see LA Times article re: same at stoplfas/message/3062 
Apr 6, 2002   Ragusa, Sicily south of Italy   rougth-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis)  stoplfas/message/3754 
April 17, 2002  Long Beach  1 Orca & 1harbor porpoise  Orca was Lactating female - signs of tauma and harbor porpoise was found the next day per Ken Balcomb see stoplfas/message/3838 
August 01, 2002  Eastern Shore of Virginia  rough-toothed dolphins   14  Incident coincided with several global stranding incidents 
August 01, 2002   Fire Island   humpback whale   internal hemorraghing of floating whale 
August 04, 2002   JOHANNESBURG, South Africa  Longman's beaked whale   This is the rarest of possible strandings. 
Dec 2001 to April 27, 2002  Maui - Ma'alaea Bay  various  4 incidents   1 rough-toothed dolphin, 2 pygmy sperm whales & 1 Blainsville beaked whale - stoplfas/message/3934 
Feb 3, 2002   Near Vero Beach, Florida on Coastal Island  pygmy sperm whales   stoplfas/message/3588 - see note that 30 animals stranded in this area last year 
February, 2000  European Shores  Dolphins    Hundreds of dolphins began washing up on European Shores 
Jan 31, 2002   Vero Beach, Florida  dolphins  500  ""Something's not right with the Indian River Lagoon," - "These are raised lesions on the dolphins," - "cauliflower-like growths" Hundreds of Dolphins Sick and Dying in Indian River/VERO BEACH AGAIN! (location coincidental to Anthrax investigations) see stoplfas/message/3594 
January 18, 2000  Florida Keys   Atlantic bottlenose dolphins   over 100  There were no obvious causes for the stranding or the deaths - stoplfas/message/5091 
January 1998  Vieques, South Coast  Goosebeaked Whale  stoplfas/message/2839 
January 2001  Japan  melon headed whales   50  stoplfas/message/3579 
January 21, 2000  Florida & Other Atlantic Coastline locations  Dophins    Katie Couric asked on “The Today Show" observed that hundreds of dolphins are stranding... no tests on ears even though lesions discovered - See Bobbie Sandoz comments at StopLFAS Msg#2832 
January 23, 2002  Japan  Sperm Whales  14  stoplfas/message/3579 
Jul 29, 2002   Cape Cod  Pilot Whales  50  Series of strandings throughout the week leading to all dying or being euthenized. Much publicized. stoplfas/message/4317 
July 1998  Aguadilla off Puerto Rico's northwest coast   Goosebeaked Whale  stoplfas/message/2839 
July 22, 2001  Vero Beach, Florida, USA  pygmy sperm whale   Beached near Indian River Shores & site of 2 beaked whales stranding from (presumably) USS Winston S. Churchill Shock Trial tests - See StopLFAS Msg#2723 
July 28, 2002 through Monday - July 29, 2002  Pico Island, Azores  Beaked Whales, probably Sowerbys  Previously, three beaked whales were reported as having stranded on on Pico Island, which is next to Faial. A fourth whale was also discovered afloat and the body could not be recovered. The remaining three stranded whales, we have now learned, had heads removed and these samples were taken to the University of Azores in Horta for Necropsy. 
June 11, 2001  Vero Beach, Florida, USA  Beaked Whales  Deaths successive to 3 Shock Trial Tests of USS Winston Churchill involving underwater explosions. Info at Msg#2503 StopLFAS & Web location 
June 11, 2002  Nantucket  Sperm Whale  stoplfas/message/4039 - ear samples taken 
June 1996  Haro Strait, San Juan Islands  orcas, porpoises, seals and others    Sonar mapping & AUV testing by MIT and Navy. Sharp decline in marine life population followed. See Message #2832 
June 2002  Maine  Northern Right Whale  Baby Right Whale severed in half due to US Navy bombing exercise - stoplfas/message/4130 
March 15, 2000  Abaco, Grand Bahama and North Eleuthera, Bahama Islands  15 Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) & 1 Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis)  16  Much publicized conclusions from NMFS (Dec. 2001) that military sonar was to blame. See Ken Balcomb's comments at StopLFAS message #2566 
March 2000  PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa   Dolphin  28  stoplfas/message/2843 
May 11, 2000   Vieques, Puerto Rico  Goosebeak whale   As Navy returned to Vieques for exercises - head removed and sent to Laboratory in Miami per NMFS. Dr. Darlene Ketten to conduct test on head samples to assess if any damage is evident in whales ear canals and tympanic bones. See StopLFAS msg #2839 
May 9, 2001  Calabria  2 Sperm Whales & 1 Striped Dolphin and several turtles  Associated with possible "zone experiments comprising drilling, sonar, "seismic flute" or cables, trawling. Info at StopLFAS Msg # 2378 & within 2001 Annual Report of annual report of the Centro Studi - Beaches: Gioia Tauro, Marina di Curinga (more than 100 km from Gioia Tauro) 
Nov 11, 2002   Queensland, Australia  Cuvier's beaked whale  Healthy whale strands without explanation /stoplfas/message/5132 
Nov 6, 2002  Melbourne, Australia & Florida Panhandle  various    Commentary on global observation of "cluster strandings" - stoplfas/message/5089 
Nov 7, 2002  East Coast USA  Kemp's ridley sea turtles  Record Numbers  stoplfas/message/5105 
Nov. 1, 2002  Long Island, the Bahamas  dolphins  50  "Long Islanders await dead dolphins' test results, burial" as dead dolphins rot on the shoreline. Original message included 50 deaths. Cause unknown. 
Oct 15, 2001   PANAMA CITY BEACH, Florida  Pilot Whales  7 out of 9 which stranded died in an 8-mile area on Santa Rosa Island, about 20 miles east of Pensacola. stoplfas/message/3305 
Oct 3, 2001  Hamilton Island - southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef on Australia's east coast.  false killer whale    baby abandoned - stoplfas/message/3251 
October 3, 1999  U.S. Virgin Islands   3 Species   4   1 Adult Cuvier's Beaked Whale was noted among the three species reported in total. One on Salt Pond Beach in St. John, One in St. Thomas, 1 Pilot whale at Christiansted Beach St. Croix was pushed out to sea, now believed to be two. Sonar testing sent people running out of the water. Samples rotted on the beaches. Findings inconclusive. and and 
September 1999  British Virgin Islands of Anegada Island  Pilot Whales  11  Little known about this incident other than the fact that it coincided with a stranding known to be sonar related in the US Virgin Islands in October '99. 
September 29, 2001  PANAMA CITY BEACH in Florida  Pygmy Whale   stoplfas/message/3233 -  
Sun Sep 9, 2001   Athens, Greece  Humans & Marine Life    stoplfas/message/3115 - Article from Reuters - Columbia University's ``Maurice Ewing'' blasts away and rattles both marine life and items of architectual significance - coincidental to an earthquake of 5.7 - gee, how did that happen? "Oops!" 
Sunday Jul 8, 2001   Cork Harbour, Ireland  Orca Whales  Healthy whale suddenly died without apparent cause StopLFAS Message #2635 
Tuesday - July 30, 2002  Tooregullup Beach near Perth, Australia on the Indian Ocean  False Killer Whales   54  Standing occurred on a remote stretch of beach near the Great Australian Bight, & coincided with other global incidents of stranding 
Tuesday, July 31, 2001  Staten Island, New York USA  Humpback Whale  StopLFAS Msg#2817 re: Ships Strike - See also commentary on increasing #s of ship strikes by Bobbie Sandoz at StopLFAS Msg#2825 

Cheryl A. Magill
Since 1998
Stop LFAS WorldwideNetwork
1556 Halford Avenue, Box 322
Santa Clara, CA  95051
(408) 516-9716