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My Blog
Thursday, 25 March 2004
Another rambleing session...
So I haven't updated anything in forever and a lot has happened. For example, getting ready for Prom. It's exactly one month away now.

I bought my dress and it is soooo amazingly beautiful. It's by Alfred Angelo, the color is Rasberry Whip and it's just the must amazing dress in the world. I'll post a link to it when I'm at home, since the school computer won't let me onto Which is bullshit cause I mean it's just a dress site! What's the big deal??? Oh well, that's Auburndale for you.

Anyway, so Kyle and I are definatly going to my prom. He's gotta get a tux or something yet. He hasn't even started looking and I'm trying to tell him that he has to because he doesn't have much time really.

The only problme Kyle and I are having right now is trying to convince my dad to let me go to his prom. Which, let me say, costs $55! Can you believe that??? I think that's the most insane thing in the world. But their Prom stuff starts at like 4:30 and you do the dinner thing where you get your own glass with your name on it and what not. And it also includes pictures, so we'll just have to wait and see. First we gotta get my dad to say yes.

Anyway I don't know what else to say really. It seems like everything in this blog is about Kyle. I wanna get married so bad. I think it would be so cute. Like I'd stay at home and clean the house and take care of everything and then cook dinner and have it on the table when he comes home from work and it'd all be really sweet and adorable.

Last night I got really upset at Kyle though. Cause he was telling me about how he killed this one deer and it was so sad I felt so bad for the deer that I was just bawling and I was so mad at him. And I feel kinda stupid now and everything, in one aspect, because I know that we need hunters to keep the deer population under control. But still, the thought of those poor animals (who have feelings by the way!) dying is just sad as hell.

Anyway, class is almost over. Later lovies!

Posted by wi3/triple_b at 10:28 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 25 March 2004 10:39 AM EST
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Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Bored in school
So I haven't updated this blog thing in a while. Sorry people but I've been incredibly busy. Doing what exactly, you wonder? Let me tell ya...

Last Saturday (Mar. 6) I convinced my dad to let me drive up to Ironwood to see Kyle. So here's how the day went:

4:00am- Wake up. The night before I had my sister help me put soft curlers in my hair and I slept with them in so that my hair would be all cute and curly. Well it worked all right, in fact it was TOO curly. So I ended up putting my hair up and it looked really cute. All this took an hour.

5:00am- Dad wakes up. I wanted to leave around 4am but my dad said I couldn't because he had to watch the weather first. Good thing the weather channel doesn't show the road conditions, cause they sucked. More about that later. Anyway, about 5:15 I finally left.

Drive up there- Was long! OMG it was so long and boring. What made it worse was that 1) I'd never driven on a highway by myself before so I wasn't really sure what to do and 2) the roads where pure ice so I couldn't run about 80mph like I had planned. Anyway, I almost went in the ditch and it sucked ass. And then when I was on 51 just outside of Wausa the pack of cars I was with came up behind a snow plow. And this red car that was two cars ahead of me ended up literally flying into the ditch. After that I just kinda drove a lot slower and more carefully.

Finally arrived- At about 8:55am. Kyle came to the Citgo and picked me up because he had tried giving me directions and it had just totaly confused me.

At his house- Meet his mom and she was friendly and everything. And then we went upstairs and lay in his bed for a while. We did some stuff and then we went to Shell to see Satan and Satan was just totaly cool. I just wanna say Ironwood people rock...well not the girls but we won't go there.

Anyway, Satan told us to pick him up Subway and bring it back before he got off work at 1pm. Well we went back to Kyle's house to see if Jeremy or Danielle had stopped by because they were supposed to. They haden't, but we ended up going back up to his room. This time we did more stuff and it was really nice, except that I had to be quiet because his mom was downstairs.

Subway- We ended up going to Subway with Satan after he got off work and Jeremy and Danielle where there but we didn't sit with them. Then Satan called Tom and told him to come down so that he could meet me and Tom was totaly cool. Tom is 18 I guess, but I don't wanna be rude but I'm going say this anyway, he didn't really look like he was old enough to drive...

Shit, the bells gonna ring in a minute or too. I'll finish this later today...or more likely tomorrow during this boring class. Later lovies!


Posted by wi3/triple_b at 10:24 AM EST
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Sunday, 22 February 2004
Telling yall about me lovely time with Kyle :D
So I started this blog (like many others) think that I would post on it at least every once in a while. But did you ever notice you can be TOO something to write anything down? Like last night would have been the perfect time for me to rant and rave about the problems in my life, but I was just too upset and too mad and too anything really to write. Besides, the crying kind of made everything blurry so there ya go.

Anyway, what's happened what's happend...did I mention that Kyle came down last weekend? Hmm...can't remember and I'm too lazy to look at former entries to check. But I don't think I mentioned it so here's what we did.

Friday: He came over to my house and did the meet-and-greet thing with my dad. When we were leaving he was like "I thought you said your dad was mean." Which has to be a good thing I think because at least I know my dad didn't scare him. So then we went to Marshfield to his cousins house and there was this girl, Tina, there. And apparently I must have looked at her funny because she was a total bitch to me the entire night. Example: Kyle and I were in his bed, under the covers, cause we'd just finished doing stuff and we were just laying there together...and in barges Tina saying she's looking for pepper (like the seasoning). I'd like to take a moment to remind you that Kyle and I were in his BEDROOM...pretty sure his aunt and uncle (who's house we were at) don't keep pepper in a bedroom. So yea, and then as we were leaving Tina was like "bye slut! Hope I never see you again stupid cunt." I didn't even say anything cause I figured I wasn't gonna drop to her scummy level so I just walked out the door. Oh, but let me tell you this. We were at his cousins house the whole time and I wanted pizza for dinner so I called up Pizza Hut and I had them deliever it. Now yall in like cities are thinking "" But I live in the sticks and I've never had a pizza delievered before so I was like :D. But when the guy came to the door I didn't know what to do and Kyle gave me a twenty and I was like "do I have to tip them?" He just laughed at me. There's a lot more that happened but it mostly involved me, Kyle, and his bed so I won't go into the horny details.

Sat: Kyle picked me up about 11am and we drove up to Wausa and the drive up there seemed really faster then the hour and a 1/2 that it actually took to get up there. So then we get to Wausa and we ate at Fazolies (is that how you spell it?) and I had the best smoothie type thing ever. Our plan was to go shopping at the mall but we ended up driving back to his cousins house in Marshfield and we were there until 11pm again like Fri. Oh, and Tina wasn't there this time :D It was totaly awesome too, except there were some tense moments but I'll explain that later. Then he takes me home and we're kissing and everything and it was nice and then I was crying. See I thought I wasn't going to be able to see him on Sunday (which would suck cause I get to see him like once a month) and I didn't want him to go. Well he had to and I went to bed and ended up crying. Then around 3am he called me and I told him to call me later that morning (like at a decent hour) cause I might be able to convince my dad to let him come over.

Sun: I wake up and my dad is outside splitting wood for the woodstove so I waddle on out there in his old blue sweatpants, my boots, and an orange Columbia jacket. Lovely picture, hey? And anyway after some sweet talking he agrees to let Kyle come over and I even get him to agree to let us go up in my room. For anybody who knows me in person, this is a huge deal because my dad is usually pretty strict. Anyway, I finally get ahold of Kyle around 11 and he's over at my house by 12 and we're up in my room. So my dad said that Kyle and I could watch ONE movie, well of course I naturally pick Titanic (not because it's a good movie, because really I hate it and my fav. part is when she lets go of "Jack's" hand...but rather because it's long as hell). We never end up watching it and instead we do stuff like twice and then we lay together. Then around 4:30 I ask him if he's staying for dinner and he says no so I kind of let it go at that. And a little while later he asks me if I wanna know why he won't stay and of course I (being nosy as usual) say yes. He's like "because I made plans with my cousins". Well that just pissed me off (keep in mind I was PMS-ing at the time so I get emotional really easy). And that starts a whole me being a bitch episode that I won't go into cause lets face it it'll make me look bad. Anyway, we kind of resolve things and he leaves and I cry and that's basically that.

This entire week (yes I'm wrapping it into one because it's really just one big shitty blur): I cried, I slept, I barely talked to Kyle because he was really busy. I slept a little more, but mostly I cried. Anyway, I'm skipping all those days and going straight to last night. I was upset because it'd been about a week since I'd talked to Kyle and I was going nuts and I went online to vent and I ended up talking to his friend Dustin. And Dustin was like "yea, Kyle's coming over here after work". And that made me bawl even more cause I thought great once again I don't get to talk to him because he'd rather be with his friends who are obviously WAY more important. I cried myself to sleep around 8:50 and around 10:50 my cell rings and it's Kyle. We talked for about an hour and a 1/2 and got things worked out and that's when I noticed we really only fight once a month, ya know what I mean? And I told Kyle this today and he was like "yea I noticed." And then today he was saying how he wishes he could see me everyday (we live about 3 hours apart) so that's when I went on to explain to him how I think we have a football realtionship and that's better then having a baseball relationship. Let me tell you briefly about it...

The explanation: See football is a great sport because you wait all week for Sunday to come and you have the build up and the excitment and the wondering of what's going to happen. (This is the kind of relationship Kyle and I have in that we don't get to see each other often but when we do plan on it there's a lot of excitment and build up and ect.) As opposed to a baseball realtionship where there's something going on just about EVERY day and finally toward the end of the season (or relationship) you're so annoyed and bored with the same old thing over and over again. (This is the kind of relationship I see a lot of people at school in, which explains why they never last more then six months tops). At the end of this explanation Kyle just laughed at me and told me he loved me. Aren't you just going awwwww??? Well maybe not but whatever you get the idea.

Anyway, that's the end of this long long long long LONG blog. I'll finally stop ranting because I get to talk to Kyle soon :D Night luvies!

Posted by wi3/triple_b at 9:37 PM EST
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Sunday, 8 February 2004
So I've got a new attitude when it comes to Kyle and the fact that we haven't really talked in a few days now. If he really wants to talk to me he'll call me or email me ya know? I mean if he does either I'm not gonna be mean and bitchy, but I'm not going to call him. I mean, I've emailed him twice (only one a day though ya know) and he never emailed me back so yea that's why I figure if he wants to talk to me then he'll call or do something.

But ya know, for a guy who says he can't wait until he sees me Friday, he sure is doing a good job of ignoring me. I mean, I'm sorry I'm like this. When I'm in a relationship I expect to be first on his list because he's first on my list. Otherwise, what's the point of going out with the guy? And you'd think that Kyle would want to talk to me when he has the chance because I'm pretty busy most of the time and secondly, we live about 3 and a 1/2 hours away from each other. Ok, it's been almost a month since I've seen him last. I miss him, and I want to talk to him. It's not like I'm asking for a million bucks, to be able to talk to him even for twenty minutes once a day would be nice. And I don't think it's fair that whenever I say there's a day where I won't be able to talk to him, he gets all sad and asks if there's any way. So of course I juggle some stuff so that I can talk to him at some point in the day. And I'm not complaining really, because I love him and I don't want to make him sad. But by God when there's a day where he can't talk to me and I ask the same thing, it's always "no sorry baby".

So the point of all my rambling is: My new policy with Kyle can be summed up in one word. Whatever!

And with that in mind I have to go finish getting ready for work. Later lovies!

Posted by wi3/triple_b at 2:01 PM EST
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Saturday, 7 February 2004
Dance Team
So our school sucks really, all they care about is basketball, wrestling, and football. Don't get me wrong, I love football, but I don't think it's fair for a school to focus on just a few things. I mean, hello we all work our butts off. For example, choir. (I'm not in it this year cause of scheduling conflicts but that's not the point) We are a damn good choir, and show choir, and yet nobody ever comes to our concerts. I mean, granted the band (which also performs in the same concerts as the choir) takes FOREVER. But again I'm getting away from the point. Nobody ever comes to the choir concerts and it's bullshit. We work just as hard as the football team, why don't we ever get praised??? We've got just as much talent, I mean those of us who actually can sing.

Anyway, so my friends mom decided she'd had enough of the school just being sports-centered and she started up a dance team. There's 8 of us on it, and even though I missed the first practice, I'm on it. Anyway, so our first performance is on Friday the 13th (classic hey?) and that's the same day that I'm supposed to go out with Kyle.

But last night I got in a huge fight with my dad and he said I couldn't be on Dance Team and all that. And when Kyle called me at like 3-something this morning I told him that and I was like "well maybe it's better because now our plans won't be screwy or anything". Well I haven't talked to him yet, and I doubt I'll talk to him at all this weekend really which sucks so bad but I'm not gonna focus on that cause I'll just get sad and crying and so yea. But anyway, now our plans are gonna be screwy again. Cause I have to perform at half-time of the bball game, so Kyle is gonna have to come with me. And I'm nervous as hell because I'm not that great and I wonder what he's gonna say.

But anyway I'm gonna go practice some more. Later lovies! Wish me luck for Friday!

Posted by wi3/triple_b at 11:40 AM EST
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Friday, 6 February 2004
Snow Day
So today's a snowday. My school is so stupid though, cause no other school in our area closed. I mean, we really didn't get any snow at all and it wasn't as big a deal as everybody was making it seem. But hey, I got my room cleaned and everything finally completely done, even decorated. I've just got a few things to put up on my walls but I ran out of poster putty. Anyway, that's not the important thing.

Today at like 4:30pm I'm meeting Bonnie (yes, she has the same name as me) in Rapids at the Ground Up in the mall for a meeting. See, Bonnie's like the head person for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wood country and I've always wanted to do this. So when I was in Government we had to do this community service shit (I didn't do it obviously) but that's when I called up the BBBS and found out they hey! I'm elligable to be a Big Sister. Anyway, finally after months of waiting for her to get info from my car issurance, the police department, and my refrences, ect. I've finally got my interview today.

But before that I'm going to shopping to get the rest of Kyle's Vday presents. I already got one, but I blew all my money on it so I had to wait until I got more. Well surprisingly I got $43 last night because the gas station I work at registers deer and other dead animals during hunting season and the DNR pays Bill (the owner and main boss) so much for everything that's tagged and in turn he splits it up between all of us. So we all got $43. I don't think so people should have gotten as much as they did, because a lot of the people that got some now weren't working for the entire hunting season. Or they at least should've gotten less. Hey, I'm a bitch ok? :P

Anyway I gotta go do the shower thing and what not before the interview and I gotta leave in plenty of time to get the rest of everything I wanna buy Kyle.

Later lovies!

Posted by wi3/triple_b at 2:23 PM EST
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