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SWTCG: Apprentice
Online League
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- Star Wars Trading Card Game Video -
Wizards of the Coast has generously given SWTCG Apprentice permission to put this webcast up on the site! It's really cool, and very imformative. You'll want to check it out!
Click Here

Update: 7/27 Sith Rising Updated In Patch
Besides the flavor text which isn't that big, the Sith Rising patch is complete. You can go to the Downloads area to get it. As for competitive league games, Sith Rising cards may only be used if both players agree to until Sith Rising is officially released. I've been kinda out of the game, but I'll try to update the league members list.

Update: 7/26 Coming, coming...
Depending on my time and how lazy I am the Sith Rising patch will or will not have flavor if anyone reads it lol. But it's done and it'll be up after I get home tomorrow. Gotta get a Nintendo so I can play Kung Fu and Operation Wolf and stuff and my CD Player that sucked dont work right anymore so gotta get one of them. So the Sith Rising update is coming, as well as the rest of the members who've been dying to be updated. I've kinda been out of the game, don't know when I'll get back, but I gotta finish the Apprentice junk of course :)

Update: 7/6 100?!
There are now over 100 people in the League Player's List. That's awesome! The competitive league is also doing really well. Well, back to Warcraft 3!

Update: 6/25 All's going good
Be sure to check out the less than a day old Competitive League. It's going pretty good, 10 members already and 2 games played. Remember, it'll be hard to contact you to play competitively or not competitively if you don't join the League Player List, which you can do by joining. Also, feel free to AIM me at SWYodarth to play games tonight, I'm really going to be doing nothing. 90 degrees, like 95% humidity, so it's either ssunburn badly or stay inside so I'll be here unless ssomeone's going swimming. -Yodarth

Because I can't get ahold of the guy who made a competitive league earlier, we're going to be starting one in our own little backyard. Go to the league page for a link, or go here to check it out. It's at Be sure to join it, and then play some games against others who've joined. Tell everyone! Lets see how things go, I'll get back to you with any changes/updates.-Yodarth

Update: 6/24 Some updates...
First of all, I took down that blasted Die sides changer. I don't know why, but it's causing way too many "silver is not a valid integer" problems to bother wasting anyone's time with. I replaced it with instructions on how to change the diesides yourself, and it only takes a minute, so that's all good. Next, more league members. Up to 78. Sweet. And, go to the Decks area to see a new deck by...uh, ME :) It's the old deck I used to play on Apprentice, and it went like 12 or 13 wins and only 2 losses. And lastly, I'm actually working on a competitive league (believe it or not!). I've contacted the guy who started a site, but no luck. If he doesn't write back soon I have a league ready to be thrown out into the online community soon, so if there isn't a competitive league up shortly you're to yell at me :P. -Yodarth

Star Wars TCG Apprentice: Goal and Information
The goal of Star Wars TCG: Apprentice is to create an online community that can play and support the new Star Wars Trading Card Game. It encourages all who enjoy the game, especially those who don't get the opportunity to play the game often, to download the software and enjoy some online gaming. The creator of SWTCG Apprentice has also been the lead designer and webmaster for Young Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Knights Apprentice. Apprentice is used for Magic: The Gathering, but patches have been developed for several games to bring online communities closer and encourage more players to try and enjoy their favorite card games online. Other patches include Young Jedi CCG, Jedi Knights TCG (both made by the Star Wars Apprentice sites), Lord of the Rings TCG, Pokemon TCG, and more.