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†The Christian Faith†

†The Christian Faith†

Ten Great Versus 
in no specific order

  John 3:16 Luke 6:37-42
Philippians 3:16 Luke 11:2-4
John14:6 John 15:1-17
Psalms 16:7-8 Proverbs 3:7
Matthew 6:25-34 2 Corinthians 4:8-11


Hey there! I suppose if you are here at this site you are curious about the Christian faith. Well guess what, it's true! Jesus died that horrible death on the cross for all mankind, all us sinners. How awesome is that? I mean, He is the Son of God, he doesn't do things wrong like we do! The thing that makes it special is that God sent Him to save us and He knew His fate, but His sacrifice promises us eternity in Heaven with God the Father! God knows we aren't perfect, but He spends His time showing all mankind endless mercies. Despite everything, everyone sins everyday, but when Jesus was here He committed not one wrong, but He died or us like he was a common criminal. I thank God everyday for every blessing and mercy he shows me because I know I am not well off, but that many others around the world aren’t as fortunate as I am. You as well should thank Him. Do yourself a favor if u haven't already, ask Jesus into to your heart once and for all! Just say this prayer and believe in your heart the Jesus is Lord and did die for your sins:

Lord Jesus, I realize that you, my perfect Savior, died on the cross for all mankind while we were and still are imperfect in many, many ways. Pease come into my heart today and save me from all my awful sins!!! In Your name I pray, Amen.

Still want to know more? Well read the Bible! Start with the book of mark or John, after reading on of those read Acts or Romans, after reading one of those read Genesis or Psalms. Try to read all of the New Testament to learn from and about our Savior, who will one day return for those who believe.


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