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.:News Update/Small Lan:. -Posted By Mike

Well We have gone throught a week or two with no sites or designs requested. We are a Free Company Willing to work for all your needs. Shocking Design has got a new designer also. Go to the Profile page to get all his Info! Also I had a Little lan this weekend with a couple friends! if you want to see the pitcures go to the Mikes Lan site! Its not great. When i get some more info i will update it! Well Start Reguesting!

Thank You,


.:New Site:. -Posted By Mike

Welcome to the Newly Created Design Site! So Far There Is only one Designer! I am not planning on getting anymore unless theres a friend or someone close asking to be one! We are just starting out Slow! So Dont order to much! All My Projects that i am working on are in the Projects Page! My Bio is in the Profile Page! News on the Home page! And to Order, the order page! Well i hope you like my work! I will keep you posted!

Thank You,


© Shocking Design
