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Send Jesse Cash

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Hopefully, you're wondering what this is all about. My name is Jesse, and I want to test the generosity and altruism of everyone out there. Basically, all you have to do is send cash. It's easy to do. Just sign up for a PayPal account (it's free) by clicking on the PayPal icon. Then, send cash to

I know, you're probably thinking, "why would I send cash to some guy I don't even know?" Well, why not? Even if you send $1, I'll be happy, and it won't even cost you the price of a bottle of soda and a candy bar. It'll be one of those funny "Internet things" that you can tell your grandkids about someday. You'll get nothing in return but happy thoughts and good feelings for being so helpful to a stranger.

CHECK OUT THIS GREAT SITE!! This dude's a sneaker-licking fool!! Gotta love more ways to make (or spend) a buck!!


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