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SaltH2o's Reef 2003

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This is my 150 gallon reef. The original reef was setup in January 2001. This reef consisted of 3 250 watt 5500 K metal halides w/ 2 96 watt PC actinics. Boy have I learned alot since those days! The corals in the tank during that time were basically anything I could get my hands on. Mostly softies with a frog spawn and bubble coral. My 150 gallon tank went through a hair algae bloom in August 2002. This almost drove me out of the hobby. I took my corals from my 150 and put them into a basic 55 gallon with some VHO's. During this time I turned the lights off on the 150 gallon reef for 4 months. During this time I needed to make a decision on whether to sell the 150 or commit 100% in doing my reef right. Finally on December 28th 2002 I received my 'monster package' of inverts from This was 100 scarlet crabs, 150 blue leg crabs, and 100 astrea snails. Then a new RO/Di unit, new sump w/ berlin turbo skimmer, 400 watt Ice cap ballast, 400 watt radium bulb, 3 - 160 watt VHO actinic bulbs, 3 6500 Iwasaki bulbs. Whew - lots of work & money. In a months time my tank began to transform from a complete disaster zone into a budding flower. I think I've documented most of these travels for your education and amusement. A philosophy I live by : 'If you fail to learn from the past - you're doomed to repeat it'
