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The RUNES are a method of reading the conditions or elements in the present. Somewhat akin to using a mirror, through the RUNES we see the reflection of ourselves and those around us, in a way we cannot see with our eyes. They help us to use our intuition in evaluating the probable future. Although I prefer the use of the Tarot (even though I'm still learning Runes), it is simply up to the Witch to decide what form of divination she/he will use.
The word RUNE means "Tree". Trees are to Druids, what the crucifix is to Christians. It's the symbol of where they come from (above/branches) who we are (physical/trunk) and where we are going (below/roots)

The original RUNES were either river stones or wood chips ... any material that naturally contained the symbol(s) through the 'course of it's life'. A Druid would spend most of his/her life collecting RUNES, because they were born of the Earth Mother, never made or carved by hand. RUNE symbols were often painted and incorporated into buildings and ceremonial circles for the purpose of calling the energy or protection of that particular tree. The teachings of the RUNES and their true power was born of the Earth Mother and came through the tree of life.

Today runes are available in a variety of colors, natural materials, and markings. Take time in choosing what set is right for you, as no two sets are alike no matter what they are made from. But please don't go out and kill a tree to represent a tree. :)

Each RUNE is associated with a tree. The properties of the trees are:

Sacred Trees

Festival Tree New Moon Full Moon Animal Misc.
- Birch Dec 3 Dec 21 sow or badger Misc.
Solstice Yule Log - Dec 21 - Misc.
Unhewn Dolman none - - - Misc.
- Rowan Dec 29 Jan 12 unicorn or bear Misc.
- Alder Jan 27 Feb 11 red fox or ram Misc.
Imbolc Ash Jan 30 - ewe or sheep Misc.
- Willow Feb 26 Mar 20 hare or cat Misc.
Vernal Equinox - - - - Misc.
- Hawthorn Mar 27 Apr 26 goat or dragon Misc.
Beltain Yew - - - Misc.
- Holly May 25 June 9 horse Misc.
Summer Solstice - June 21 - - Misc.
- Hazel June 23 Jul 9 salmon Misc.
- Bramble Jul 23 Aug 7 lizard Misc.
Lughnased - Aug 7 - - Misc.
- Ivy Aug 19 Sep 6 red boar Misc.
- Reed Sep 20 Oct 5 dog or stag Misc.
Autum Equinox - Sept 22 - - Misc.
Michlemas - Sept 25 - - Misc.
- Yew Oct 20 Nov 3 owl Misc.
Samhaine Oak Nov 3 - raven Misc.
New Year Oak Nov 4 - - Misc.

** The thirteen trees defined for magical and ceremonial use are associated with the circle of the first 13 RUNES. There are a total of 33 RUNES, in the Druid traditions. The RUNES used as oracles are always to be used in two sets of 13, for a total of 26. The remaining 6 RUNES are kept separate and should NOT be shown to or handled by anyone other than the keeper of the RUNES. What happened to the 33rd RUNE? Read on.

This is very different from what I have read in other methods, most commonly referred to as the Nordic or Viking RUNES. You will begin to see and understand the basic difference as you continue through this dialogue. To start with, here's a short reference to the standard Nordic RUNES. (For those of you who are not familiar with them)

  1. F Fehu (feoh) Material Wealth Prosperity -- Green
  2. R Uruz (ur) Strength, For personal Strength & Courage -- Green or Brown
  3. E Thurisaz (thorn, thurs) Protection from Evil -- Black
  4. Y Loki (Ansuz, Asa) Odin. Ancestor. To Gain Ancient Wisdom -- Indigo or Purple
  5. A Raidho (Radio, rit) Travel Quest To find that which you seek -- Blue or Violet
  6. ' Kano (Kenaz,Kaon) Transforming Fire As an offering or for skill -- white or gold
  7. S Gebo (Gifu) Union.Partnerships or sex. Magic -- pink, red or purple
  8. 8 Wunjo (Wunna) Joy For happiness or harmony -- pink or yellow
  9. H Hagalaz (Hagal) The Unexpected Not really one to be used --
  10. A Nied (naut) Constraint. For self-control or Protection -- white or blue
  11. H Isa (Is) immobility. for rest or to top slander -- white or silver
  12. A Jera Year or Harvest for Justice or Agriculture White or Green
  13. L Eihwaz A Channel For communication with other realms Indigo or Purple
  14. ' Perdhro (Perth) Karma, Hidden Forces For unexpected luck/opportunity -- blue or green
  15. S Eolh (Algiz) Protection. as in Going Unnoticed -- white
  16. 8 Sigel (Sowelu) Sun Wheel. For healing or vital energy -- orange, red or gold
  17. T Tir Victory For Victory or Success White or Gold
  18. I Beorc (Berkana) The Goddess. New Beginnings -- Green or White
  19. U Ehwaz Horse & Rider. For safe Journey, perfect for besom -- blue
  20. ' Mannaz perfected man. self-improvement, meditation -- indigo or violet
  21. S Lagaz fluidity to gain intuition -- blue or violet
  22. Inguz A God of Fertility. Completion, to invoke the gods -- indigo
  23. 8 Daeg (Dagaz) Daybreak for working where two worlds meet -- pale violet
  24. Othel Nobility to know one's place in the established order White or gold
  25. Wyrd (Odin)


Which RUNES are defined as the first 13? Well, it's not that simple. It depends greatly upon the time of your birth, and the cycle in which the initiation is begun.

The year is divided into two parts; the dark half and the light half. Each of the 13 RUNES designated for the dark half of the year would be the first 13, if you are beginning the initiation of these RUNES during the dark half of the year. Likewise, the first 13 would be of the light cycle when starting during the light half of the year. See "Initiating the RUNES" for more detailed information.

Once the first 13 RUNES are identified, they have more influence on any reading or divination than the other RUNES. For example, if I began the initiation of a set a RUNES in March, that would be in the dark half of the annual cycle. The first 13 RUNES would be from the dark cycle.

When one of these RUNE stones is in the first circle of the ground (self/center) then it indicates this person is private about that particular aspect. They keep it dark or difficult to see from others. If this same RUNE is in the second circle of the ground, then information is not available to them ... someone is keeping a secret - or - they are not seeing what is in front of them. Being in the third (elemental) circle, would indicate a great strength or weakness, depending upon the position of the RUNE itself. If in the dark half of the circle, it is over developed and very strong. When in the light half of the circle, it is underdeveloped and will need much work.

The influence of the dark would be read every bit as much as the RUNE symbols.

Conversely, if this same RUNE is turned down or inverted, or even covered by another RUNE, then the dark influence is doubled. This may be translated as intuitive ability, the need to trust your instincts over physical evidence ... in other words, a double negative is a positive.

Sacred Trees

Festival Tree New Moon Full Moon Animal
Samhaine Oak Nov 3 - raven
New Year Oak Nov 4 - -
- Birch Dec 3 Dec 21 sow or badger
Solstice Yule Log - Dec 21 -
Unhewn Dolman none - - -
- Rowan Dec 29 Jan 12 unicorn or bear
- Alder Jan 27 Feb 11 red fox or ram
Imbolc Ash Jan 30 - ewe or sheep
- Willow Feb 26 Mar 20 hare or cat
Vernal Equinox - - - - Misc.
- Hawthorn Mar 27 Apr 26 goat or dragon
Beltain Yew - - -
- Holly May 25 June 9 horse
Summer Solstice - June 21 - - Misc.
- Hazel June 23 Jul 9 salmon
- Bramble Jul 23 Aug 7 lizard
Lughnased - Aug 7 - -
- Ivy Aug 19 Sep 6 red boar
- Reed Sep 20 Oct 5 dog or stag
Autum Equinox - Sept 22 - -
Michlemas - Sept 25 - -
- Yew Oct 20 Nov 3 owl
- - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - -

This is where and how they become very personal and completely yours. After selecting 26 RUNES stones, there will be 6 remaining. I know, it doesn't make sense does it? Where does the 7th come from? It's magic! ... of a sort.

The six remaining RUNES are yours. Do not show them to any one and do not put them in the bag with the other RUNES. Only those RUNES grounded to the cloth will be used for readings and divination. These six RUNES are yours. They become your talisman and your teachers. They may be used in ceremony, for dreams, in healing, and in magic. They may become your guide to other planes and realities. They may be buried separately in the Earth, or they may be kept together in a special place known only to you. Whether you choose to continue to carry them or not, they are part of you and you are part of them. In certain ceremonies and when doing work with my cauldron I will put the 6 personal runes into the cauldron, or use them to scribe a candle with. These are tools. When used properly, they can instill their energy or vibration onto another object, such as a candle, water, or a piece of paper used for writing...the list is endless.

After spending time with these stones, you will know them. It is then possible to return them to the earth for safe keeping. When the time and place is right, you will know. When in doubt ... do nothing.

If you don't take care to wear the same RUNE stone for the entire cycle (13 consecutive lunar months), you cannot possibly know it completely. They change, just like the seasons. It is less obvious when I'm always changing stones.

Here is the first basic exercise or lesson with the six personal Rune Stones.

Note: this exercise is based on stones containing more than one symbol and symbols on top, bottom and side(s). A single symbol on a stone does not work for this exercise.

Place the six RUNE Stones in a line across the center of the ground. The first time you do this the order does not matter. This exercise will help you to determine their order. After doing this exercise once, place them in order from beginning dark half to ending light half.

If any stone has symbols on both sides, be sure to look at the uderside of the stone to know what symbols are there. It may be easier in the beginning, to write these symbols on a separate piece of paper and put that above the ground for easy reference.

Now, find three stones that contain all of the Rune symbols. These are the light half. The remaining three stones, which may or may not contain all rune symbols, are the dark half. If you do not have three stones that contain all symbols you may do one of two things:

  1. Add a fourth stone, which will complete the Rune symbols. Do this only if this fourth stone does, in fact, contain all of the missing Rune symbols. Make sure you remember which Rune stone this is and the symbols that it contains to complete the full set.
  2. Note which symbols are not present. Write them down.

If you are going to do this exercise, please try not to read the rest of this until you have made one of the two choices above. It matters in how you proceed from this point. Knowing the process may somehow effect your decision. Try to be willing to let the RUNES lead you.

If you found three stones with all symbols, or you chose option 1 (selecting a fourth Rune stone), follow the Option 1 Guidelines. If you elected to go without all the sybmols, follow Option 2 Guidelines. If you are undecided, STOP here.

Please read only your part at first. Feel free to come back look at the "other" option when you've completed your exercise. It does effect how you look at things. The Illustration "Foundation of Stones" and comments immediately folllowing applies to both options and can be found in between option one and option two guidelines. Look for the shamrocks ...

Option 1 Guidelines

Illustration: Foundation of Stones

Option 2 Guidelines

Don't feel like you've got something missing! You don't. This is quite normal. The cycle of life is one of change and growth. When it is complete, it is Death. You have a cycle of energy that is always changing. You are many things and have many talents. Your challenge is to use them in a wise and timely manner. You allow for what you don't know and are willing to accept guidance and/or help, while taking the initiative and responsibility for your actions.
  • You may have had to learn this, but by this time in your life you are usually comfortable with the dark or unknown aspects of life. You are able to use your intuitive skills as well as your logical ones. We all generally have a preference to one side or the other, yet you have been able to develop both, albeit not equally well. (We're all human, eh?)
  • Without actually seeing your stones, I am unable to tell you more, although there is a great deal more. The rest of this exercise will help you in determining some of it.
  • Select three stones that contain the least number of symbols. These stones comprise the dark half.
  • From the three dark stones, select the largest (either in size or number of symbols). This is your primary stone.
  • The second stone is the one that least resembles the first. It has the fewest number of similar symbols or a radically different foundation. (see illustration above on foundations)
  • The remaining stone is your third dark stone.
  • Set them in a line on the TOP of your ground in order from left to right


    To achieve balance, you will always use the dark stones in the dark half and the light stones in the light half. The RUNE symbols drawn on the top half of the ground will take on the influence of the two stones nearest those symbols (i.e., stone 3 to the left and stone 1 to the right). This will definately be true for any reading you do for yourself. It is always an undercurrent for others who throw the stones on the ground for your to read.
  • The remaining three stones are your light stones.
  • It may not be easy or obvious, so take your time and study the remaining three stones. Place them on the bottom of the ground opposite the rune on top that is most alike that stone.
  • Once these stones are matched, to your satisfaction, they are identified from left to right

    Your circle is read clockwise

  • Stones three and six represent your hidden talents and secrets.
  • Stones two and five represent your true strengths ... your balance.
  • Stones one and four represent your polar issues. These may be considered strengths and/or weaknesses in every-day jargon. These are the areas where you are extreme in your emotion or belief, or possibly actions. This is not wrong, or bad. It simply is.
  • Your task for the next 13 lunar months is to observe your polarity. Understand that everything has two sides. Try to at least see the other side of things. Make no attempt to actually change how you are or what you do, merely observe and acknowledge the opposite form. If you so choose, you may begin to make any desired changes at the end of this cycle.

    When you do use the 26 RUNES for any reason