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It all started in 2000........... Val & Amanda, lived at a place on Kimberly.

Along came this young girl with newly short, purple hair... straight from a hair show........

she moved into the peperment free zone!!! lol

Amanda, left suddenly! and along came a young lady by the name of Londa........A.K.A. Frank *don't ask*

Val and Whitney said they would try and hate the new girl....

but , couldn't!

Things got out of hand and all three young women grew close!

Along came "FEBRUARY 1ST 2001" with rent a "NOTICE" was given.

the girls feeling like they were soooooo smart only giving the landlord *Tamala* 28 days notice! ha ha ha!

yes, these girls were young and stupid!

the search was on.......

looking at gross places!

Saw one in Osborne....... Val scared, thinking Whitney was on something wanting to even see a place in that area.... lol

once in the place Val and Whitney liked it, once

upstairs to the 42'x23' living room!!!!!!!!!!!! They loved it!!!

Whitney,(still very shy at this time) Knew we needed to get the landlord to agree to give it to us that moment!!!

The house was buzzing with possible tenants....

She said to Tony (the landlord) we will take it!!!! I will sign in blood if I have to!

Whitney, made the landlord sign a scrap piece of paper..

that, this place was now their's.

The rent was told to be $900.00 + hydro and water.

after talking to him a while and letting him know a little bit about themselves, and Whitney saying she was Italian too....... Tony, asking how Italian are you.... and Whitney replying with....

"How Italian do I have to be?"

Rent became only $700.00 + hydro.........

Whitney was glad to have found guts to speak up!.

Londa' was busy at school and could not make the appointment.just getting home from school when the deal was about to be made, Val and Whitney called her!

They told her what we thought!

Londa, gave the ok!having to trust her new found friends!

the girl's were given keys right away! after giving the damage deposit.

Londa, moved her stuff in first!(for somereason?? I can't remember why??)

Everyone told her to take the bigger room as she had her table and tons of books for school and future work.

Well, the people dowstairs were "entertaining" !!

18 days of "I f-ing love you man!" blood, items being tossed, smashing up against walls or used a weapons!

long story short.... the police came and escorted the 3 young women out to safety!!


To Whitney's Uncle Dick and Auntie Sharon's...

3:00 or 4:00 am

14 days without a home! Then we were allowed back!

and the downstairs people were gone!

only leaving "body holes" and "fond memories" behind.

Life was good.................

*Second story windows! *Late night shopping! *Exercise balls! *sheet doors *Pink puddles???? lol *Sexy Ryan's *bedroom door meetings! *Singing showers *Videos *painting,peeling,scraping......... *srif-frys *S'N'S Meatballs *growing *learning *loving *new jobs and multi jobs! *16 roommates............... over 7 years and one month. This chapter ends!

first.... on Kimberly

Val & Amanda & Whitney


















all great people! all had fun! and all will never forget!!!


As of November 8th 2005, Val turned 24 years OLD!

Val, loves a good stir-fry! no pineapple!
not much sweet'N'sour sauce.

She is truly a pain in the patookis! She is back on track after being away for a year as an au-pair.

Val is still a professional dental phone picker upper lady, She is starting work at a *brighter* place of work in 2 weeks and 2 days.

Val,is also returning to school to better herself!

We all know she needs it!

Next,is one of Val's favorite pictures ever!

It is from her going away party ! !

Val and this next chick, went to a party and you need to see the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Whitney is a Health and wellness, Weight loss counselor,

she is also good in sales.........

So, of corse she teaches children in the north end!

Whitney also does a lot of work on the side.

Whitney turned 27 Last November 23rd.

This picture is from her 24th B-Day!!!

an older picture, but funny!

Whitney is always coming up with something,

be it something for all the roommates to do or a joke to play with someone,

or just a way to make people smile.

If she's not thinking of the beach............

She's thinking of/or eating food!!!!!!!! Man, Whit, can really pack it away.
This is why... Whit and Val make such good friends.
Speaking of Val..........



"getting married"

She turned the big 23 last Sept.


grew up outside of the city .

She and Whitney were to be wed because of her sweet & sour meat balls.

But, now she has "Drew" So plans have changed!

kiss it Braunny!!!

She is a Massaging/re-aligning body fixer therapist girl!

She really knows how to bring home the "BACON"

Londa is funny, smart, pretty and funny yet again!

She is getting married Sept.30th 2006

Pictures will follow that day.

Londa is going to be wed to Drew.....

We went looking for pictures of him, we found one of him just after popping the question!

Get used to it f-er!

Londa and Drew make a good couple, but so does Londa's boobs! lol we won't go there!!!!!!!



(Also Val's Cousin)

She is 23 years old.

Kirsa's job was an aid for special needs people then She..........

Started working at Sobeys as a manager, Then......

She quit and became a Lady in a Bridal Store After watching "The Wedding Planner"

She really get's into her movies!!!

(it's a good thing we didn't let her watch "So, I married an axe murderer")

She packed up and left for Baltimore, MD for a year as an au-pair. She had the idea, and newspaper clipping in her pocket.... she did it & Val did it too.

That lasted a year.

Val and Krisa got back and Krisa became a "flumer"... long story............

Now, she is a file girl at a clinic.

Oh, and Krisa is a lady whom never let's herself like a guy........ YEAH! Who's this "JAMIE" then?

Can you tell me?

This is from her Birthday !!!




(She is also Whitney's baby sister.)Wesley is 24 years old.

She had stayed at the house of pork for the summer of (2002) while working at a City run Program called CARTOWN This is just seasonal work and therefore ended along with our Manitoba summer.

She then high-tailed in retreat back into her cave out in the bushes of Belair, Where She had been raised by a pack of wolves.

She then moved in for good! May something'th 2003

Wesley now has a good job! through MTS and is going to pay the bills by herself for the household and the rest of the girls are going to use there money for fun!

Wes does not know this yet!

Wesley, has a man by the name of Greg.

each one of the roommates at some point of time calls out his name!

Moving on!