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E3 2004 Convention Trip

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Hello, everyone. This website is probably one of my simplest website that I've created. Obviously the main reason everyone is hear is because of the email Jason or I (Hiroki) sent. I figured it would be more convenient for us to show the photos this way. Of course it is less convenient for everyone else, but in a positive note, at least your emails accounts are not cluttered with our emails and we could show all the photos.

As you look through the pictures, I am sure you are probably wondering why, Jason is in most of the photos. Well, that is because I forced him. I personally don't like to get my picture taken, even if a hot broad is next to me. I am neither shy nor embarrassed; I just don't want my picture taken. But I am in some. And of course, especially to the people in Ocala, Jason has that one memorably shot with him and Kayne West. Below the pictures are some comments Jason and I have. Please email Hiroki or Jason for your comments.

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