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Rhiannon´s Scans



I got the idea for this page from my friend, Heidi. (Arigato, Heidi-chan!) Her page is called the life of heidi…in pictures and brief descriptions and I definitely think you should check it out!


What better idea could there be than to have pictures of your friends and family with wonderful little captions? Some funny, some thoughtful, some just telling you see what people I know where doing at the time /\_/\






Brook’s B-day Party-1999

Kirk    One wonders: who was this Kirk? Where was his life headed? Was he nice to his mother? I think the story goes that Kirk was a guy that my cousin, Brook, had a crush on…I don’t remember, people! It was 4 years ago! :)


Honk     I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. A sign. Telling passing cars to honk. If they like Sailor Moon. (Yup. Knew you’d get it.) Also, note the big toes looming in the corner.


Click!    Brook taking a picture of me, taking a picture of her, taking a picture of me.


            Searching     Me, hanging with the seagull, searching for something…I dunno. I just had Brook take this pictures ‘cause I thought it would be funny :P


Blank     Don’t ask me why someone took a picture of the TV off. I have no idea…


Irish     Irish Drinking Song, anyone?


Before     This is not long after we’d arrived and the party had started. Everyone’s alert, happy, and content with goodie bags. Note how Whitney, Brook’s sister, proudly displays her Spice Girls sucker.


After     This is at around 2:00 or so in the a.m. We’re beat and not very happy.


Gordan    The back of Brook’s cat, Gordan’s, head.


Sailor Jupiter     Yes, this is me dressed as Sailor Jupiter. I was a dork back then…aw, let’s face it: I’m a dork now.




Come back soon for more!


Last updated: 9-14-03