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List Don't trip first of all, this only took 3 mins to make, trust me...this is only made to be truthful and show the facts...lets goooo

First of all, this girl was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and has earned nothing for herself. I did meet her once, and in my opinion, she came off as snobby. She gave me a Coldplay cd for some reason. It's actually still in its wrap. Thanks sam, now my buddy nate has a birthday present for next year :) Anyways, after we met the "stalking" began. After I told her about my jail time, she was a lil scared, because in her hometown jail is a forbidden word, and she is your typical spoiled rich bitch who has no respect for anyone except herself. Anyways, I made it clear to her that I didn't want to talk to her because in a way, she disrespected me. That wasn't the case for her. She made AT LEAST 15 screen names, and added my name for almost 4 hours straight. She went to Wisconsin1 and got into an argument over a girl SAYING my name, then the girl told me that she had my name all over her profile and homepage. It was true. This bitch is officially stalking me. My name is mentioned in EVERY sentence. Actually, I'll go in her journal and show you some of the things she wrote...

"first paul, and jeffrey and now josh is moving away.... yeah...... i'm gonna go cry so i'm done"

"but ah what's new? today i finally got paul to say 3 words to me:D 3 is better than none so i'll take it."

"but i'm optimistic that things will work out between he and i because we're so alike."

"basically i miss him so maybe he's missing me even un pequeno? who knows.... besides him... not a lot"

Whatever, I can go on all day. No need to lie. After she finally got the point 2 months later, and didn't take it well. She went into Wisconsin 1 to bash me and "expose" me on the following subjects: I live with my parents. For the summer, yes. During school, no. August 1st i'm on my own again. She said I don't go to Marquette. When she said that, I felt her envy, and she'll deny she is, but we know what's really going on, don't we Sam? I do go to Marquette, and she hates the fact that she's stuck at good ol' UWM while I'm going to a private school. Here are a few quotes that provide the facts that her ego is inflated.

"At least I don't have bad grades in school"

" went to jail, so I have more going for me"

"That chat room is worthless, I can't believe some of the people in here"

Really, I can post quotes she's said all night but it doesn't make a point. You see the deal. She tries to make herself look good by putting people down, because she has nothing going for herself. Sure Sam, a car and school is fun but what else? You're not active in anything. you haven't experienced life. Sammy might try to be sneaky and make a webpage..but she'll probably say something like "Im not gonna waste my time"...Let the above quotes tell you the truth. Right now she's stalking another guy, and he knows it. All in all, don't talk to her. Stay away. She is crooked and a coward. I feel bad for the guy that is going to marry her, because he will be screwed over by her shady ways. OH YEAH....if she tells you that she's had sex with less than 5 guys, she's lying to you.