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Welcome to Nathandell

You have traveled long through a dense forest. It was a hard journey, but it is almost over. You can see sunlight up ahead... You step out into a sunny clearing with a small cabin in the middle. Everything is alive with vibrant color, and the very trees and grass seem to be conscious. There is a quiet lawn that is neatly trimmed, and colorful gardens surrounding the house. Many animals are in the clearing. When you step into the clearing, they all stop to look at you curiously. A gentle breeze blows at your back, as if gently nudging you towards the house, and you suddenly feel as if you have finally come to your real home after years of wandering. The house and animals seem to invite you to stay. A small man dressed in blue comes out of the cabin and says, "I am Nathan. Welcome to Nathandell." Nathan goes inside the cabin, beckons you to follow, and says,"Come, let me show you my home."

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