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The Native American Moon Calendar

Native American Moon Calender


**Please note: Different tribes subscribe to different terms for their full moons. This is merely one of the more basic constructs.**
JanuaryWolfthe hungry packs that would roam outside villiages after the winter months
FebruarySnowbecause at this time the snow pack was at it's deepest
MarchFull Sap/Wormbecause now maples sap would flow after the thaw. Also "Worm" since earthworms would reappear in spring and attract robins.
AprilPinkIt was this season that wild pink ground Phlox would begin to bloom
MayFlowerdue to the rainfall in April, flowers began blooming in May
JuneStrawberryit's at this time strawberries are ripe and ready to be harvested
JulyBuck/Thunderat this time bucks would begin to sprout antlers, and because this is one of the stormier months of the season.
AugustSturgeon/Green Cornthis fish was quite easily caught during this month, and because now was the time to start a corn crop.
SeptemberHarvest/Barleyat this time crops could be harvested
OctoberHunter's/Harvesthunting season begins, and sometimes the harvest moon falls in this month as well.
NovemberBeaverbefore the frost began, beaver traps would be set
DecemberCold due to the freezing temperatures of the night

If you're interested in learning more about native american moons and their different names please see the Farmer's Almanac

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