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Merry Meet and Blessed Be

Merry meet and Blessed be my name is Autumn Stormwhiperer. I am pagan a child of nature. Wich is why I have pentacle above with earth behind it. I atune my self with earth the sky the trees, birds and air. I like to worship out side. As I do my magical working my Sprit guide the wolf guides me every day he always there watching over me. I like the moon change my emotions quite quickly and Fire for passion that drives me to my limits and to never give up on someone or something. hear with in my site you will find the phases of the moon ,a list of Gods and Goddess, My personal Book of Shawdows, Sabbaths and many other things. I hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed putting the site together

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My Book of Shadows
Gods and Goddess
Ritual and Alter Desine
The Eight Sabaths
The Elements
Divination(runes, tea leavs.ect)
Meanings of Scard things
About me