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Welcome to the abode of the fickle mind

I have deleted all the stories again and have signed up with Lycos under a different name.
So if and when I will write new stories they will appear on the new website, which I will provide a link to in due course.
In the meantime I have come up with a theme, but the content, (which will hopefully in the future grow in volume)is too personal to put up on webpages I think.
Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age, but I can't help thinking that people might read my stories, other than the one person which they are intended for.
So, the new stories will be send by e-mail.
As for the Island theme, that has gone down the rubbish shoot. I was completely fed up with it (already)
Keep an eye on your in-box!
Your Hotmail inbox that is, because I'm unsure how long an e-mail AOL will accept and it does like to get into conflict with Hotmail and such.

Love Hugs and Kisses to my darling reader