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Mainframe Hackers Anonymous is a website dedicated to beating the system.


13 / 8 / 04

The GGG has been improved again, even though we all thought it was as good as it ever will be. Now with optional delays. Download only (too lazy to update script).


21 / 6 / 04

I've got something new for you people; the Sperm Merchant. Evil Princess of Doom (EPOD) is finished but im still considering whether or not im going to put it up.

11 / 6 / 04

Green Garden Gnome script fixed. I was unaware that the startup directory didn't automatically start hidden files. Now, the infector doesn't hide them but once they are run they are hidden. Hopefully the techs will think it deletes itself so they wont go looking for the actual file, pitty it won't start up next time. Also made a Green Garden Gnome flash file which pops up automatically too (see download section).

10 / 6 / 04

MHA is up, Green Garden Gnome script and downloads is up now too, yay!