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Lifes a Dream

My name is Jola Llen. I am the third born of the union of Sein and Lleia Llen. I was born in the land of Grom. When my mother Lleia had me she gave birth to me down by the Rainbow Falls. My mother liked the color of the crystals that surrounds the area near the falls. The area where she had me was and is always glowing with a slight reddish glow from the crystals laying about.

I was brought up wearing a red and black colored outfit. My hair is white like sage and my mothers. I stand five foot eight and my eyes are a grayish green. I weigh close to 160 pounds. I like the rest of the Llen family use an orb. I also carry a short sword with a matching dagger. They both have hilts made of the Orb of Llen. The orb that I carry, I wear on a necklace around my neck. Let me give you a little information on the Llen history.

All of the Llens were brought up in the training in the art of magic. My brothers and sisters and I were started from the time we were large enough to walk and understand. We were trained by our father Sein Bein Llen. We would sit on our cloaks or our capes on the floor while he taught us. All of the Llens would be well versed in the use of the orb. The orb is a stone or crystal found in the land of Grom. When my father and mother first arrived in Grom they found it gave them extra magical powers. They also found that the larger the stone the more power it gave. My father set out to collect all the stones he could find to build a home for them. Using the power that he had aquired from the crystals he was able to accomplish the deed easier than he thought. He build on the mountain where our home stands the castle we all call CastleLlen. Over the next five years or so they had my brothers Sage, Brom, and myself. Then over a ten year period they had the rest of the Llen children. There was Brix, Keela, and Keila.

Even though we were trained by our father in the art of magic our mother being full elf was also our teacher. She taught us the meaning of compassion and truth. Our mother was the eldest of all her siblings and the next in line to be queen to her tribe. She gave up this right when she decided to leave with our father and travel to seek a new home. In thier travels they came upon Grom. Now Grom was populated with several tribes of people when they arrived. As they grew in power from the use of the orb the people that befriended the Llens were well treated. There was some people to the North of the Llens lands that were always wanting to gain control of the land of Grom. Sein and my mother managed to protect the friends that they had made and the warring tribes soon found they were at a disadvantage.

After a short amount of time the Llenyelsna family had gained control of the lands. Over the years the tribes that were to the north still tried to take control of the land. These attempts were all in vain. Over a course of time the name of Llenyelsna was changed to Llen. Being the eldest of the daughters of Sein and Leila Llen I was expected to show that we girls could also contribute to the family and the control of the land. I went to the academy of grom where I trined to be a knight in the army of Grom. There I finished number two in my class. I aquired top honors with the men in the class.

Upon completion of the academy of Grom I was taken into the Royal Guard of the Family of Llen. After some trial and hard resistance I managed to make the rank of Head Royal Guard. My duties were to guard my mother when my brothers were not around. Over the next five years there was many attempts to gain control by tribes of the lands. During this time our father had become very agressive and attempted to kill all of his friends. At this time our mother had taken and placed our brother Sage in control of the land as King. This was done while he was in the land of tyrants cove. This was alos the time that Sage has married his wife Silent Death. In the land of Tyrants Cove he had met a clan called the Dusk Dwellers. There he joined this clan to better equip him for the time when he would be king of Grom. This time was short lived. Sage was called back to the land of Grom by our mother where he was placed in the position of king. He first act was to find and return our father to the binds of the Llen control that held his power in check. This took Sage about two months to accomplish. Sage then left Brom in charge acting as king until his return from tyrants cove. In the land of Tyrants cove he lived as a dusk dweller with the clan that is lead by MadamSkye its queen.

Over the years Sage and Silent had a set of twins they were Trent and Tyanni. then through the course of time they had a set of quads. Then due to unforseen troubles Silent left the Dusk Dwellers and joined another clan called the DDM. Sage never losing his zell for the love he held for her. Sage knowing that the Dusk dwellers needed help from those that he could depend on called for the family to come to his side and help the DD. When I arrived I was welcomed and I agreed to stay for as long as he needed me there.