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October 1st, 2003

We have moved! Pictures to soon follow...



Thursday April 3rd, 2003

There are now some wedding photos up. I think there is about 120. Take a look at them here.... CLICK ME



Thursday January 30th, 2003

Our new site! Again I changed it around, added some stuff, and deleted some junk. The wedding info page contains the map as well as the locations of everything. The page labeled Jays Stuff is pretty blank for now, much like the Kims Stuff page. If you want to know when we add stuff to our site, or make new changes, go to the newsletter section, and we will email you when something cool happens. The images section has alot of the same photos the old site had, as well as some new ones. The downloads page is blank just like the links page. However the chat room and the message board should both work. Look around and try them out....


Saturday January 25th, 2003

Hello everyone!!!

Less than 2 months to go!!!

We have finally picked out our DJ, our food, our cake, and I think just about everyone is fitted for tuxes…Now I just have to go down to Milwaukee to make sure that my bridesmaids are going to find those long black dresses that I told them to find. I have that planned for the 1st of February. Other than that, I have been at Bay View for a week now. And I love it! I even got to be the primary teacher on Friday because my cooperating teacher was gone for the day. It is a little nerve racking, but I think that I am really going to enjoy my 9 weeks there. I found out this week too, that my 9 weeks is going to be over right before I leave for the wedding. Perfect timing!

Jay is always thinking about what to do to the website to make it better and promises to work on it again soon. He has been working hard at Festival and is doing the occasional art work on the side.

We want to thank our parents for all their help in our planning. They have been there for us whenever we have needed anything! WE LOVE YOU!

Lastly we just wanted to mention that our rehearsal is going to be at 6:00 at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Delavan on March 21st.

Until next time…