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Well, nearly free....Buck -N- Good Tree Limb Marketing Program

Tree Limb Marketing

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Buck -N- Good Independent Sales Reps Needed

Innovative Specialty Products, Inc. Manufacturer of Buck -N- Good Products for hunting) is starting a NEW marketing method that will allow Joe & Jane Outdoors Person to start their own outdoor related business for only a $7.49 CHARGE to cover sample scent dispenser and other materials in the kit. That’s correct, Nearly FREE OF CHARGE!!!!
The best way to promote a product is to show it to people. But because we are a small and growing family business and not RealTree, Bowtech, etc... we simply do not have the budget to go all over the country selling our products. In addition, because we are not one of the big boys, the industry Reping firms won't touch us. They are unfortunately after the quick sale from known products. How then are little guys to become big guys? Doing creative things like this and allowing unknown, new reps to get in on the ground floor. We are starting a "Tree Limb" marketing campaign that YOU can make money from and at the same time, have the opportunity to start your own business.
You have all heard of pyramid marketing, better known as a Pyramid Scam…. THIS IS NOT PYRAMID MARKETING and you don’t have to pay to get in and best yet, you don’t have to sign up others. If you want to refer people, it would be appreciated but IS NOT required. We are coining the name TREE LIMB MARKETING, similar to a family tree. Every tree has roots, a trunk, branches and leaves. Unlike pyramid marketing, there are not multiple-levels of unobtainable goals that the sales person tries to sell you into. More so, they worry more about selling you into the "Scam" than the products or services the program offers. Tree limb Marketing has roots (our mission), a trunk (a core structured company), branches (randomly spread out sales force) and leaves (the Buck -N- Good Products to be offered wholesale and retail to customers). When looking at the tree from a distance, it is a family unit that becomes one entity. But the entire tree structure depends on the roots and trunk for support and nourishment. ISP is that support. HOW IT WORKS----Instead of traditional methods as with Large Sales Rep Firms, ISP is putting it into the hands of Joe and Jane outdoors person. The best way to sell products is exposure but as a small (Yet Growing) family business we simply don't have the budget to travel all over the USA to promote the items. The Tree Limb Marketing approach allows average hunters to sell the items and ISP will pay them an outstanding commission for wholesale sales and even more for retail.
So if you want to make some extra money for going to sporting good stores. If you want to make money every time sporting good dealers buy our products. If you would like to be able to offer our innovative products to family, friends and other hunters and make extra money for your efforts. IF YOU WANT TO START A BUSINESS AT Little to NO CHARGE. E-mail us and we can make it happen or bid on one of our auctions on EBAY. This is not your everyday get rich quick scam...We are a real family business who needs your help with product promotion and in return we will pay you the same going rate that current independent sales Reping firms get. I will be honest, it will take some work.... But this is your chance to start your own part-time business and hopefully be able to turn it into a full time job.
You can be the one doing this. If you're interest has been sparked, and you would like more information please either e-mail us at or feel free to call us at (920)434-7011.. If we are not there, please leave a CLEAR message and we’ll get back to you on our nickel....If you are interested and want to speed up the process, e-mail us your mailing address and we’ll send you an application or use the links to print your own. YOU MUST also send a W-9 tax form and $7.49 payment with your application. You can get using the links found here. It needs Acrobat Reader. You can also download Acrobat here for FREE.
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