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HOMEOPATHIC CONSULTANTS, INC. (Lynn passed away suddenly at home on Jan. 20th 2004)

P.O. Box 824, Hudson, Wisconsin 54016


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Lynn Lammer




Homeopathy-Your Key to Health and Vitality

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle and effective method of health care that can restore your health and vitality .

The underlying principle of homeopathy is an illness

can be addressed by a substance capable of producing similar symptoms to those being suffered by an ill person.

The Origins of Homeopathy

The principle of “like can cure like” dates back to the Greek physician Hippocrates in the fifth century B.C.  Central to Hippocratic thought was that careful observation of the symptoms specific to an individual and of that person’s reaction to disease should be the basis for diagnosis.  


Samuel Hahnemann, a 16th Century German physician,

built on Hippocratic thought  and said “One should imitate Nature which at times heals the chronic illness by another additional one.  One should apply in the disease to be healed, particularly if it is chronic, that remedy which is able to stimulate another artificially produced a disease as similar as possible and the former will be healed.”    Hahnemann then devised a two-step process whereby he serially diluted each remedy and between dilutions employed “succussing” or pounding the diluted substance by banging it down on a hard surface.  The more diluted a solution was, paradoxically, the stronger or more potent it became. A “potency” is used to describe the dilution or strength of a remedy.


Remedies today, in the USA, are regulated by the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) and are manufactured per the Homeopathic Pharmacopia of the United States. 

About Homeopathic Consultants, Inc.

Lynn Lammer founded Homeopathic Consultants, Inc in 1997 in Stillwater, Minnesota.  She moved the practice to Hudson, Wisconsin in January 2000.   Lynn attended the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in Minneapolis, Minnesota and completed a year clinical internship with Homeopathic Practitioners, Ltd in Edina, Minnesota.

Lynn also holds a B.A. with Honors in Interpersonal Communications from the University of Wyoming and a J.D. from William Mitchell College of Law.  Ms. Lammer is also a licensed Minnesota attorney.



Initial appointments are two hours and follow-up appointments are one half hour every four weeks.

Appointments can be made by calling the office:

Minnesota: 651-436-7515 or Wisconsin: 715-381-3092

If you have any questions or would like more information call one of the above numbers or email: