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Mistress VictorianLace
Co-Owner of Nuadh Beatha

For a Free Woman to come to Gor from Earth is a unique challenge and one that I have found interesting and exhausting at times. On Earth I was a healer of some accord and came from a family that was very independent and structured. So the trip to Gor though unusual reminded me a good deal of the environment where I grew up. I have placed my on line home in the Voltai Range as in real life I grew up in the mountains. Men were honorable and independent and women were strong and assisted their partner in his life work.

When I first entered Gor I was amazed at the amount of slaves that were about to serve the men and that FreeWoman were in small numbers. I had no experience with on line Gor when I entered the doors and until I started reading John Normans books and found that only a small percentage of woman were slaves the rest were Free Woman who ran homes, had jobs and businesses, children and were much like many Earth woman of today. Only then did I realize that there was a place for me on Gor. I knew I was a Free Woman, I had no need to be a slave nor did I have the abilities nor desire to serve all Men. I have attempted to surround myself with bright intelligent people of genders, Free and slave alike.

I have been on Gor going on four years I have no exact dates or times. I was the Keeper in several good homes on Bondage Gor before I opened up Gorean_Respite. (Which I have now closed for various reasons, and I have since opened The Respite) My intent was to start a home that has a little role play as possible but still had some back bone and the structure and beauty of Gor. A place where Free and slave alike could express themselves in a manner that would enable a healthy discourse and a place to share knowledge and gifts to improve each of our abilities.

I believe in the basic tenets of Gor of respect and honor. I do believe in the natural order… meaning I believe that most men are in deed physically stronger then woman though I do not believe that all men are more dominant then I. It would be wonderful if the men and woman on earth would able to fulfill things like the "good old days". Which if that were so then society and the economy wouldn't require woman to work outside of the home unless they wanted to versus they needed to . Life on earth is not nearly as simple as life on line is . I have searched out and found men on Gor to help me run my on line home. Men that I respect and see them as having honor and the ability to guide and direct the others that enter my home. I have also sought out Free Woman who have strong beliefs in honor and try to lead shining examples of a Gorean life/

I have always felt that Gor and most on line talk situations are a land of smoke and mirrors. Meaning that what is said isn't always what is done. I try and those that assist me in the Gorean_Respite attempt to keep the smoke and mirrors to a minimum. I can't judge how others run there home , many find the total role play , of on line killings and forced collars a fun and entertaining as part to there on line time. For me and mine we search for a deeper meaning . In my real life I don't believe in forced slavery for I believe that a person only submits to one person who they think will guide them through life with skill. Total power exchanges have rules that both the dominant and the sub/slave adhere to in real life.

The books of Gor are but a guide. Many of the things in John Normans books can't be lived in real life, and to be honest I find that a good thing. There are many ways that each of us expresses our uniqueness in this land of Gor. I have chosen a more focused direction in the Respite one that I hope shows Free and slave alike that there is a wonderful way to experience male /female dominance . I know many Goreans on line don't agree with me. The word dominance seems to offend many Goreans… and I have and shall use the word interchangeably. My goal is not to convince that I am right and they are wrong… it is to show that I am learning of Gor on a daily bases and that though I don't wrap myself in the total role play, I do find the structure and beauty and even the firmness necessary to run a good home on line.

I have been a Keeper in multiple different homes on line , from homes that were total role play and many in the room had no real life experience in being a dominant person or a submissive one . Those were enjoyable homes but not what I was looking for. I like most on line have been hurt by my "friends " on line as I believed there word to be there bond. Over the years I have come to realize that each Free decides what there idea of truth is and thus what one takes as truth another takes as their due. I may not agree with another's truths and it is my responsibility that I accept responsibility for my actions and try to no imply that I can create nirvana , or promise things I can't provide.

I have watched the word honor be cast about , and have marveled at what some call honor. To some honor is, doing as they pleased regardless at whom was hurt. They were Free so they could treat any and all as they liked with out taking any responsibility for their actions. Reality demands that you remember there is another person at the end of the key board and if you use words that imply you care of them deeply then you have a responsibility to take care of that trust they have given to you. In on line Gor we are told that male dominance is a key role… I remind those that believe it that just because one is dominant and male that it doesn't make you right , or correct or even superior to all others, it makes you dominate and what you do with that gift is up to you. If you use it wisely you will grow as will your partners.

Relationships come and go on line just as they do in real life. I would hope that if nothing else that my home would be filled with truth and compassion , fairness , structure, guidance and that if punishment for wrongs done be dispersed in a manner that would show it was done with concern for and education and growth and well being for the individual.

The word respite is a place to heal and to mend. When I opened the Respite that is what I needed a place to heal and to mend. I would remind all that read this these are my beliefs . I live an honorable life, I can't change others but I can influence them . None of the Gorean principals are unique to the books that John Norman has written. He has taken piece of many cultures and ancient times and placed them in a series of science fiction books. Just as I have taken pieces of his works and utilize them in the Respite others on Gor will read the books and gleam what works for them.