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Welcome to Dib's Water Garden Specialist

2004 Season

Water features are the biggest and newest trend in landscaping anywere from personal property to public parks to hospitals and commercial property. There is nothing as calming as sitting by a pond and listening to the trickling water of a waterfall or watching Koi or goldfish swimming around the lilypads in the pond. Adding a water feature to your current landscape creates a new paradise for the homeowner and also the natural habitats in the area. It will give the birds a place to bathe, create a new home for frogs and in the summer months, a place to see dragon flies fluttering from plant to plant. If you have young children and are worried about putting in a pond so you can enjoy a water feature, it is no longer nessisary to have a pond at the base of a water fall anymore. We can build pondless waterfalls, bubbling guisors, or fountaining ceramic pots.


Pond Kits


"Just-A-Falls" kit



Pond Accessories

Water Plants

Koi for sale

Company Profile

Contact Us

Pond Examples


Established 2003

Last Updated: 2/6/04









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