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Wow 3:33 P.M. April 03, 2004

- wow I just remembered my password for this website deal. I forgot it for a while. well some things that have been going on... Redline Qualifier was acouple weeks ago, I'll put that up in the race recap section... um JJ broke his ankle... thats really all I can think of... but the weather is finally warming up, Ive been hittin my jumps every day this week, and stuff should start happening. I will be updating the site now that I remembered my password.
Rockford Opens TOMAROW!!! No one is going to be there from the Conflict Crew, but Me and Marty will be there next week I hope.

Race 3:43 P.M. November 03, 2003

- We went to the races check it out!- colin
come to walworth this thursday for gate practice! bios are still on their way.

Whatever 9:32 P.M. October 23, 2003

- At the west game yesterday there was a streaker in a scream mask.. that was cool untill he got fully naked... sorry for the delays in the bios they will be up next week... hopefully- colin
If me and adam could actually get our stupid emails to work we will have new pics one of these days, so look for them next week sometime.

Correction 12:28 P.M. October 22, 2003

- The opening day of walworth is this weekend.. not last weekend, so sorry for that mixup!- colin

JJ's Bio 8:59 P.M. October 20, 2003

- JJ's bio should be up like tomarow... he just gave it to me at school, and I don't feel like putting it up tonight, so I guess thats all for tonight- colin

news and updates 8:44 P.M. October 19, 2003

- Opening day has come and gone, and none of the conflict crew was there. I was off in minnesota at a suprise party for my aunt and uncle, and everybody else I guess was riding park... speaking of them I hear JJ broke his ankle or tore some tendons... they cant really tell yet. yeah he is out for like 3-5 weeks. So that sucks for him. Adam fell on his elbow so many times he has what looks like a bone sticking out of it.. will he go to the doctor... well judging by his knee cap that is broken into 3 peices im going to go with no.- colin

Practice Schedule 9:18 P.M. October 15, 2003

- Well I just talked to the Walworth people, and I guess it looks like practice nights are going to be on thursdays this year. - Colin

Race 7:57 P.M. October 13, 2003

- Race season is almost here!! The schedule is here at Opening day is uhhh october 26 and I think points start like November 2. I just emailed walworth and asked when the pracitce nights are going to be, so I'll let you guys know - Colin
Email me @ for the scoop on the Conflict Crew Ts, or if you go to west talk to me there.

Moment 5:41P.M. October 13, 2003

- The new moment video is out... J.J. is in it in the racine jam part. -Moment - Colin

Drags 4:07P.M. October 10, 2003

- Come to the union grove drag strip tonight, everyones going to be there It should be fun- Colin

HARASSING THE ASIAN! 8:44P.M. October 09, 2003

- Well the administration of west has done it again. They have once again falsley accused "the biker crew" at west of harassing an asian kid, they even got the rentacop involved. I guess zach went in there and they were all serious and he just started crackin jokes, so suppoedly its over, but knowing the stupid admistration at west they will try to get us for anything else we do a teeny bit wrong just cuz we proved them wrong- Colin
-My bio is up

interviews coming soon 5:45P.M. October 06, 2003

- Interview of the team are coming soon and maybe some other things-adam

Site surgury 8:08 P.M. October 02, 2003

- The recap page is updated I gotta go do homework and shower and ice cream and what not- Later- Colin

Site surgury 7:18 P.M. October 02, 2003

- Adam will be making new "interviews" for the team bios page, more pics will be added, im working on the recap page now, and the vid page is going to take a while to get up so just bear with us- Colin

Help! 4:57 P.M. October 02, 2003

- Some one please give me a image for the intro page, or just give me an idea! I can't have these stupid ones they suck. if you have something email me at or if you go to west tell me there. - Colin

Video Announcements 3:30 P.M. October 02, 2003

- Attention all Waukesha Waukesha west goers! Leif Brostrom is making a video of the waukesha park for video announcements. go to the waukesha park and come with your best tricks! I know adam fufed the top rail, so I cant wait to see that.- Colin

New Updates 5:36 P.M. October 01, 2003

- As you can see, the new site configuration has begun with the home page, and eventually the whole site. You probably noticed that I copyed midwest Bmx's design (I hope they don't mind) Hope you like it- Colin

Racine JAM 5:30 A.M. Septemper 30, 2003

- the Racine Jam was AWSOME infact, it was so awsome that we just rode the whole time, and forgot to take pics... sorry, look for it at midwest bmx It was kinda cold but no rain. It was really cool of kuko for setting it all up