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                                      The Auction in Doll Size
                                                         ( My collection of doll size auction gowns)
Lot 78   and 79 (FM)
Lot 80
Franklin Mint made a porcelain figure/doll wearing the Lot 80 gown emulating the famous portrait.  In 2005, they made a vinyl doll called Royal Portrait.  This shows the gown (on my own older Diana doll. Its pleated in back and her shoes have tiny bows on them, as Diana's did. No bolero. So this was the one pic i could find of gown with no bolero. Another portrait pic.

I had a jacket made and beaded it to match the gown as shown above.

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Diana Franklin Mint dress up Dolls --PAGE-1    page   two
 Vinyl Limited Editions--PAGE-1 page two
 Diana Porcelain Dolls--1        page Two                           page         Three
 Customized Diana outfits ---1 Pages             Two
  Diana Franklin Mint dolls other outfits--1     two    threefourfive 
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