What I Hate!

Disclaimer: It is important for me to state that the opinions on this page are mine alone and do not reflect the opinions of the excellent staff at angelfire.com. Do not view this page if you are easily offended, for I guaruntee that many will be offended by the content of this page...











This is the part where I make fun of assholes?

-THE ENTIRE CITY OF DRYDEN anyplace that has nothing better do to but snowmachine, needs to be nuked. I hate all the assholes but 4 or 5 people there. Anyone else from this shithole should kill themselves a.s.a.p. Why? Cuz I said so, so eat shit and die mother fucker. Go ahead send me threatening e-mail. I don't care.

-GAY PEOPLE. How the fuck can you drive yourself to stick it into another guys asshole, or take it in the ass. If you are gay stop reading.....now. Stupid gay fuckers need to be rid of as well.

-DAMNED COUNTRY MUSIC if you listen to/ enjoy/ play country music. You are fucking stupid. Go eat shit and die. You are nothing but a stupid fucker, spineless bastard. Listen only to stuff that is either metal, rock, or punk. Anything else and you are pretty fucking stupid...

-WHITE KIDS THAT LISTEN TO RAP AND THINK THAT THEY ARE THUGZ. All you white kids out there that talk like your black are retards. I hope you go to jail and get a cock in the ass by some HIV infested gay person

-CHILD MOLESTORS / KIDDIE PORN LIKERS Fuck you guys you sick fucks. Die a slow horrible death. I'd tell you to kiss my ass but I couldnt compose myself to let one of you sick fuckers near my ass.

-ASSHOLE DRIVERS learn how to drive, or I'll park my car on your face.

-CONCEITED BITCHES If I let you suck my cock you should feel honoured. Don't cock tease me and walk away, or I'll slap you upside the head. Maybe next time you can eat my shit.

-ANYONE THAT BELIEVES THE BIBLE IS TRUE you are a dumbass. The bible is a story, as is the lord of the rings. stupid fucker. I hope if there is a hell, I might meet you there. But its too bad that there is no such thing. Wanna Prove me wrong? E-mail me dumbass, go ahead make my day so I can make fun of you, and provide quality entertainment to those who care about what I hate.

-WWE WRESTLING If you watch this or any other wrestling program you are gay, read above, you fucking redneck.





This is the part where I give out Kudos?

-ROTTEN.COM For providing me with some sick assed pics, and hours of entertainment.

-DENNIS LEARY For being a straight shooter and not giving a fuck.

-THE TOBACCO GOD for allowing me to coat my lungs in sweet rich tar. mm mm good!

-THE BEER GOD for giving us guiness the man's beer!

-WHOEVER MADE ENGLISH for making the words, "fuck you asshole, eat shit and die before I tear out your spleen"


This is the part where I mention you name. No requirements. I don't even have to know you. I'm just putting it out there so someone can hate you too. Feel special punk...

-E-mail me to get your name here

-E-mail me to get your name here!

- uh, not you



Why do I hate all of this stuff, why its simple.....

      I JUST DO SO FUCK OFF ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 




A Perfect circle is one of the few things that I Really like, if you don't like it you can fuck off. APC Rocks, so take that asshole!










Fuck you asshol, your page sux, and country rules. You are the spineless bastrd. Fuck you heaten asshole. I am 37 yeats old and i ain't going to listen to some punk tell what good and whats bad. Moron...


The Guy thats better that you...



First off, I am not going to go so far as to point out your many spelling mistakes. Fucking e-tard. Learn 'gooder english' fuckface. Secondly I would just like to point out that you are an inbred redneck. And as for being better than me, I should think not. I am just an asshole, or a prick, jerk, whatever you want to call me. But you better than me, roflmfao. That means (rolling on floor laughing my fucking ass off), retard.




Links to stupid shit....















Heaven is called such because in the old days, the clouds never ended they were always there. Thus because they were thought to be eternal, this was the most logical place for heaven to be. Unfortunately the clouds are not eternal for they and this planet are subject to total annihilation in approximately 5 billion years, a long time but mot forever. This in my opinion is another reason for which one can say that the bible is but a fictional work. There as never been any solid evidence saying that the bible was true. There were tablets that the bible was written on sure, but that does not make the bible true. I could write a spiritual work on a piece mood mud too, but in a thousand years will anyone believe it true? Perhaps. Perhaps if the author was unknown, perhaps if it was found in an area with great spiritual history. Anyone can write a book, but only a fool believes a piece of fiction to be true. Monotheism is almost strictly related to the bible, the justifier of ‘I’m right and you’re wrong arguments’. We as a society need to put aside these religious boundaries that are suppressing the advancement of mankind. We need to stop squabbling over petty bullshit that we concern ourselves with everyday. The government has always turned to the pope on making important decisions, let me ask you this; how many of us voted the pope to command the world or our countries. The church is in fact the richest organization in the world, not bill gates, sure his company is very rich but the church has him beat out by almost double. Our society is governed by brainwashed cathollics thinking more of death than life. The bible is not for us to worship, it is for us to read and learn lessons from the important morals of every story in it. There are contradictions so as we could find them and say, “”hey this really was just a story”. Many for years, to get themselves ready for one certain moment in their lives, the moment known as death, have used the book. When most other religions are based toward living every day to the fullest. Witchcraft is the oldest documented religion, but in actuality the oldest religion is what YOU believe in. No one can take away your compassion for your beliefs. Your beliefs are your religion. Maybe they are close to the guidelines of another religion but either way they are yours and they are true. We can no longer go out into the world and say hey your wrong and I’m right, why can’t we change it to hey I’m right and so are you. Stop telling people that your god created them, for god made no one our mother and father created us, and thus they are our creator. War has happened between fellow man for trivial reasons such as race or religion. War solves nothing, it only kills people, and drives up the economy. War creates industry, why does the United States start a war whenever they are in repression economically. They do it to make money. They need to create the demand for a war industry, religion is a plague given to us so that we could not progress as fast as we should. Religion, a horrible word if used outside of your own mind. We need to unite and keep spiritualism in our minds not our problems. I am in fact against the church for the horror they caused, the propaganda they distribute each year, it is truly sickening. It disgusted me to see that the church wanted to stop the theater debut of Harry Potter, because they thought that it might make kids want to become wizards and witches instead of cathollics they do not posses the courtesy that most others do. The religion is based on ignorance, and debate. The average catholic does not like to hear these things and probably did not get to this point of this essay. However I do not care for this is my opinion and so I shall share it with the world, you do not have to agree with me all you have to do is listen to yourself. If you are a bible follower, please stop with the spreading of your bullshit propaganda, and leave others and their beliefs alone, we do need war or fighting over a simple thought’s Everyone has the right to believe in what they want, so stop trying to push your religion on others and leave the world alone…We exist and the purpose of life is to live, not to find some cosmic fucking answers. Why can’t we just exist in this world and leave it at that. We now face more problems in this century than any others, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping. It is an endless cycle of pain and, we don’t know how to stop these problems. I do not blame them all on religion but our own common ignorance. Humanity is a sick and disgusting one, how do we dare call ourselves superior beings when all we do is fight and destroy. Conquer and Devour. The motto of man. We destroyed everything that was good with our world. The peace, solitude, silence, and the benefit of the doubt. This is no longer the age where we can take another persons word. A person’s word in this time is worth nothing. Appreciation has long disappeared; competition and apathy have replaced what we call appreciation. Everything we do is superficial, and seen on T.V. Entertainment is a good thing but our children are being exposed to horrors that are now commonplace. They are being desensitized and brainwashed by their brainwashed parents and the media. Media controls our world; it is put into our homes on a wide scale. And everything that the media says we take as the truth. Truth, a troubling word, one that is taken lightly and used in inadequate contexts. What happened to the world of ancient Ireland? A world of witches and wizards, fairy tales, and beauty. A world where the people lived lives of unconcern for the outside world. Where people built their homes from what they harvested, and lived off of their own gardens. Almost completely self-sufficient. Media was replaced by gossip at the local tavern. There were no fears of oppression. Life was simple, and the world was a vast and curious place. Science sped up the advancement of humankind; science itself is not a bad thing. It is as bad as its employer, like magick, it can be used for good or evil. Healing or for the infliction of pain. The catholics called science evil because it was misunderstood or not understood at all. Practitioners were called Witches or Satanists. But either way you look at it we are all fucked in 16 million years as a black hole is heading toward our galaxy, and the chances of it consuming everything here are great. And even if the black hole doesn’t come here, we have 5 billion years until the sun turns itself into a black hole. But what are we worried about? We are currently trying to devise a way to allow humanity to exist for another 200 years, never mind a simple thousand. There will not be enough fresh water for 2 more generations of life. Food is slowly becoming scarcer, and our pollution problem is way beyond control. My theory is that we just destroy every one of the races that are currently killing themselves off. Some of the races out there have been warring with one another for over a thousand years, and we seem to think that we can stop them in the better part of 10 years. That to me is an insane ideology, and totally unlikely.


            On Metaphysics, witchcraft is the oldest religion on earth. There is no argument one can prose against archeologists, anthropologists, and me both agree. Religions since then have just been created in an effort to control human behavior. Witchcraft makes no effort in this. Simply put, there is but one set of commandments that have been passed down throughout the ages, this is known as the Wiccan creed. Origins of this holy law are generally unknown, as most of the knowledge is passed down through families. I would not have it any other way, for the Craft is one of secrecy. Wicca is not an institution, there are however many organizations, that one can belong to, but that is aside from the point. A coven is supposed to be generally unknown to the outside world. These organizations are built simply for solitary practitioners to fell less alone. My general thought of a coven, is basically that they were created for Witches to share thoughts and idiosyncrasies. The craft has basically remained out of sight for over a thousand years, Witches have been practicing in secrecy for that amount of time, and the original knowledge has been lost through the alteration of word of mouth. Ever since the sixties we have seen a sudden resurgence of books and literature on witchcraft. One can walk into a chapters bookstore and find a quite large section on astrology, tarot, and oh yes, witchcraft. The Craft is now shrouded in an eerie cloud of darkness, the knowledge I have now has been passed down to me through tradition. What was common knowledge has since been destroyed; the catholic church destroyed it during the inquisition. The catholic church in my opinion is an awesome business. They have earned more money than any other. Microsoft couldn’t even compare to the gross sum of money that it has accumulated. The church is like a cult. All members pay a tithe; though the tithe is not necessary for membership, one is usually harassed to pay into collection plates, and each church usually pays some sort of due, to its mother branch, and the funds get larger all the way to the vatican. What would happen if these funds stopped, well the answer is simple, the church would shut down and would not exist. But since most of the known world is catholic, that would not happen. It could not, we would see mass rioting, and the religion, as a whole would cease to exist on the scale that it does now. The people who go to the church to increase their social status, would cease to believe in something as contradictory as the bible. It is like a destruction manifest. We cannot allow this kind of shit to continue on through our society, it is foolish. The money spent on the church could be used for other things like space exploration, in order to help us populate other planets. We have the ability to terraform mars, but because of current funding we cannot. The church advised against human cloning, and why, we will never know because the church does not feel that it has to give a reason for its actions, it is said that it is the will of god. The church actually tried to stop the movie Harry Potter from going into theatres, fearing that the children who observed this movie would not have any interest in the church. These little points to me are disgusting, and for what, a belief. One stupid little word. Belief, say it to yourself and try to realize that a belief is your own. Religion is also your own, not for anyone, (including myself) to take away or alter. We must put an end to this dictatorship we call catholicism. It is truly disgusting, that we still allow it to run our world. But one person alone cannot change the world… we need to form an alliance. An alliance that will allow us to change these horrible atrocities that are committed every day.


            Aliens, a rather fascinating sect of belief, not everyone believes in these things. Most that do however, are divided as to the intent of these creatures. Some believe that they would come for an evil purpose, while others believe that they would be for the better. Hollywood has done much to portray the evil side of the alien. And so most humans live in fear of the alien. While others have come to embrace it. I personally cannot say how I feel about the whole alien situation. It is a subject in which psyche has never delved, and so I cannot really give an honest opinion on the existence of aliens as a higher intelligence. I do think however that there is a great possibility of there being life out in space. It is impossible for the human mind to comprehend the sheer size of space. To think that a pinhole contrasted by earth isn’t even close to the earth contrasted by the galaxy alone, never mind space itself. Also in correlation to space is the future of our planet. We do not know the dangers that the moon has protected from us. Also we do not realize that there are things that we cannot see, that are on their way right now to destroy earth. Our planet’s future is bleak, but that does not mean your life has to be! I say seize the moment, and live your life to the fullest. You don’t have to worry about things all of the time, just take care of the things that affect you. If they are having a strike at the local supermarket, just shop somewhere else for the meanwhile, it will pass, as do all things. In life things have a way of just working out, but remember this is a statement based on perspective. Not fact, I will not tell you that your life will run smoothly but, make an effort at keeping your bills caught up, try hard at work, and when you are done your shift at work, leave it there…. Leave home at home, and work at work. And with this in mind I can honestly say that there aren’t many things that will bother you. The biggest piece of advice that I can leave anybody, is, stop worrying! Worrying will only lead to health problems, and a very unpleasant you. Finances to the average person are kind of confusing. But to help you overcome some of your troubles in the future, create an emergency account at the bank, or even at home. Hollow out a book and store your money there. Keep it bills. Five dollars here and five dollars there make a huge difference in the long run. You would be amazed if you took a good look at your recent expenses, and tried to see what wasn’t required. That chocolate bar might have tasted good, but it is fattening and unhealthy. So there is a dollar, maybe you bought 5 chocolate bars this month, well there’s five dollars. If you get money from your taxes, save it. Never touch a cent. This money adds up really fast and is oft times very useful when your billfold is a little too tight. I however cannot seem to save this money, I need a method of locking it in. This is my hobby, it is sad and pathetic but it is my release. A collection of my thoughts on my computer, perhaps I should find the ambition to write a novel. I don’t know what I would write it about. There are many things that I would like to write about but I should keep my mind on one project at a time! This is the way I must go about things, this is the best way. I think I could write a novel about witchcraft. Perhaps I should conjure a book of spells, I could create a good many of spells. And then I could publish this and perchance I could make a lot of money. It is not pheasable that I could create such a book. Perhaps my anti-Catholic ways will turn out to be enough of a thought to push a great workings, I even could create a book of philosophies. I have a great many and my intelligence is based toward such workings. Even a portion of a day in the life of… These are my many thoughts that surround my creation of a book. I may even write more than one book in my day but for now I will write only on. Then I might be so commissioned as to make another novel. I hope that I may create a good many of workings, I am not one to stick to one idea though my mind seems to wander through a good many of thoughts.



When I look at all of the information that I have written, it seems almost humbling to know that I had written all of this down straight from my mind.  Know that all of this is just spawned from a thought, a little impulse in my brain. I can turn something that no one can read into something they can. Just a bunch of words on a piece of paper to some, a time in my life to me. It is all just time, so funny how we think that we are immortal at times when really we aren’t. Death happens, it is the end of a cycle. But no one ever takes death seriously until it looks them in the eye. Until they see they are about to die or when they come close. One could even watch the expression in an animals eyes, try to figure out what it is feeling, and then when its eyes go wide, you see that special glimmer disappear. That one thing that makes life a little bit more believable. You get to see the soul of that animal disappear from its body. You get to come close to death, though it does not come for you, you are right there watching death. The movements, the emotions, the fear, the absolute horror, and then the end. You are right there beside it as death does its work, you witness the end of another thing’s life force. Though this animal does not speak to you in any tongue, you can tell in it’s eyes, and on it’s face, what it is feeling. And do you stop to think of the fact that the grim reaper just stood beside you? No. All you feel is a sense of pity. Perhaps you killed this animal. You might say to yourself, “Oh I needed food so my family could live.” But why that particular animal, you are the one that chose its death, and now that you see it is dying and you feel sorrow, you feel hopeless for you cannot undo what you just did.


