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Alaska Highway and Seattle's Piers - June 6, 2002

Mom at the bottom of Virginia street (that one is steep! good thing it doesn't snow much in Seattle). For some reason Bobbie found it extremely amusing that we got the "Road Closed" sign in the pic.

My first pic in Seattle. Boy, was it windy!

Mom by the wall of a "park" - I've never seen anything made entirely of grey concrete called a park before. ;)

Annie and Teddie in about the same spot.

Same place, this time taken with Teddie's camera.

A seagul and a Russian submarine.

This one is a bit out of sequence... Chronologically it should follow the Seattle Center pics but it does not fit the theme there. We were waiting for Bobbie to get out of work. This is the walkway over Alaska Highway between the World Trade Center and some other convention center at pier 61 (if I am not mistaken).

This one of Teddie and Bobbie is from a couple of days earlier. I hadn't even gotten to Seattle at the time...